Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Who Is Mind Control For

Who Is Mind Control For
I guess a lot of people figure that even though mind control sounds cool it isn't very useful. So I have put together a good list of things that you can do when you learn how to control others.

- Get the boss to give you extra vacation time, an increase in pay, and other benefits

You should have no qualms about manipulating your boss. If you think you are friends with your boss... let me inform you... you're not really friends. Most businesses involve the standard - give the employee as little as possible to keep them working for you, without giving them too much. Not only is business a good situation that you can take advantage of, but figuring out the little things can mean promotion and success later.

- Get time to yourself away from friends and family.

Sometimes all you need is time away from the people you spend the most time with. The problem, however, is that you can find a good reason... Mind control to the rescue. Even if you don't have a better reason than "to calm my nerves" you should be able to work this one out pretty easily.

- Get the spouce to help with chores or the kids.

The daily struggles are a real pain in the *ahem,* and with a little bit of help they would be so much easier. If only I could get my lazy mate to help once in a while, then I could occasionally take a break. This one can be frustrating for everyone, but some covert hypnosis can get them to not be so lazy... now if only you could get them to do it the way that "you "want it.

- Shut up my nagging/complaining girlfriend/boyfriend.

I cringe when I think about someone nagging me all the time. ugh! A little bit of covert suggestion can take them from being a whining irritation and make them into a cooperating, proactive friend. The real trick here is not become a nagger or complainer when they have stopped.

- Stopping a child's tantrum.

Most adults are very susceptible to mind control techniques, but it's even easier to influence kids. Mind control works especially well on correcting behavior problems.

- Getting people to buy my stuff

Sales are a difficult struggle sometimes, but if you can gain rapport with someone it will happen much more often. Most people have a reasonable amount of disposable income and getting them to part with some of it will become routine. Make sure you have a product that you believe in yourself.

These are just some great examples where mind control can be especially useful. I find that when I'm not trying to control anyone that the techniques become the most useful. It's amazing the little advantages (store discounts, business tips, etc) that somehow come your way when you've built up many trusting relationships using mind control techniques.

Reference: dating-coach-anita.blogspot.com


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