An odd situation arose in the bedroom for me the other day. My current girlfriend of a considerable amount of time and I were being intimate when I removed her shirt to find that she was wearing a brightly-colored, uniquely-styled sports bra that an ex of mine also owned. Naturally, I had also removed this same bra from my ex, and had some interesting thoughts running through my head in that instant. Not wanting to spoil the moment, I managed to carry on as if nothing was amiss. Needless to say (which is a phrase I hate hearing and hate using even more), I was a bit distracted by this revelation and proceeded to last a bit longer than I may otherwise have. This was greeted with delighted and repeated satisfaction by my love. Though I was not specifically imagining that I was having sex with my ex, thoughts of her were on my mind while my current and I were engaging. I felt a little odd about this and thought I might share it with you, dearly beloved DIW community. I cannot simply ignore it, as I am certain that one day soon she will wear this same bra as we begin seduction and the same situation will play out. Not that it wasn't enjoyable for me to please my miss well, but the circumstances made me feel less than wholesome about it. Should I surreptitiously dispose of this undergarment and be done with it? (Here I must add that my relationship with my ex was painful, tumultuous, passionate, all-consuming, and ultimately self-destructive. In addition, my current has some irrational hang-ups about my ex, a person she has never met and whom I have nothing to do with.) Please help, dear daters.
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