Showing posts with label thioethers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thioethers. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Hows Your Attitude And How Is It Affecting Your Relationship And Marriage

Hows Your Attitude And How Is It Affecting Your Relationship And Marriage
BIG HINT: attitude directly affects relationships of all kinds. Find out what you can do for yours, easily, and why you should bother...

Let's talk about attitude today, especially how it can affect attraction and your relationship. The vast majority of the women who keep me honest in giving you advice on female perspective have shown me that a positive attitude can create massive, overwhelming attraction FAST, especially when coupled with fun, playful behavior. Conversely, a poor attitude can kill it instantly to such a degree that it can be hard to impossible to bring back until she's had time to forget it.

Let's be clear here, I'm not talking about ruining your relationship by coming in once in six months frowning and saying you've had a crappy day. Everybody has a crappy day now and then. It's no license to be abusive to others around you (and that's another discussion we'll have soon), but nobody expects you to be "up" 24/7/365. That's an event, not the by-product of an attitude. What I am talking about is having and keeping the kind of attitude that causes you to treat a crappy day for what it is, just a day when things were difficult to some degree, and expect things to get better and be better because you deserve better and are capable of making them better.

People of both sexes love to be around an achiever, because achievers are at heart romantics: they look inside themselves and around them for the biggest, best and most beautiful that can be found, and they recognize it. Among the several definitions for "romance" found in "The American Heritage Dictionary" are these:

2. A mysterious or fascinating quality or appeal, as of something adventurous, heroic, or strangely beautiful.

3. a. A long medieval narrative in prose or verse that tells of the adventures and heroic exploits of chivalric heroes: an Arthurian romance. b. A long, fictitious tale of heroes and extraordinary or mysterious events. c. The class of literature constituted by such tales.

Life for the achiever is about the big, the heroic, the beautiful - about what CAN be done and not what can't. Hence, the attitude is one that women (and men, in case you're one of those guys who doesn't have any friends or a woman who has a hard time attracting a guy!) find exciting and fun to be around. This is because when things get bad, achievers are still looking for improvement, and often looking for a way to make it happen themselves, which involves things like leadership, courage, self-assertion, etc., that women also find incredibly sexy.

Every time this subject comes up, I am reminded of the character of Howard Roark in "The Fountainhead," when he said, "The question isn't who's going to LET me; it's who is going to STOP me." They've chosen to succeed and something is going to have to work hard to stop them; they're accustomed to getting things done. Thus, they keep their wits and sense of humor about them, something women also find incredibly attractive, whether sexually, professionally, or casually. Indeed, there is a member at our forum,, who goes by the nickname of "Cyno," who setting a great example of heading down this path and sharing much detail about the positive impact it's having on both his life and his marriage.

Really, do you even want to sit at a bar or in a coffee shop or waiting area and try to have a beverage or think while sitting next to some moron yapping about how "the system" is against him, or how everything that is wrong in their life is someone else's fault, and everything in their life is something wrong? Not just no, but hell no! Neither does anybody else. They gravitate toward that "life of the party" sort, who is the life of the party precisely because they have that positive, attractive attitude that draws people to them like bees to flowers.

Now, what about the other side of the coin? How sexy do you think whining and complaining is? Indeed, chronic complaint is taught by a great many relationship experts as a HUGE red flag. Why? BAD ATTITUDE! Chronic complainers don't make things happen, they gripe about what others make happen. How sexy can that be? How much fun is such a person? Such a display of bad attitude is an instant turn-off to everyone around, not just members of the opposite sex. You'd better do a quick reality check and make sure this isn't you!

The most pathetic of all the complainers is the paranoid, the insecure, fatalistic person who, no matter what happens, thinks it's directed at them if it's bad and away from them if it's good. You'll hear them say the most ridiculous things, like when approaching a traffic light, "That light just turned red because I'm in a hurry," and when somebody has something good happen to them, says, "it would never turn out that way if I tried it, because good things just can't happen to me." Guys, I kid you not, this kind of behavior can make a woman want to live somewhere besides your house about as quickly and as vigorously as finding you in bed with her sister or another man!

A close second (and parallel) to the paranoid is the guilt-ridden, the guy who has mucked up his life and/or career by being deceitful, and projects his own deceit onto those around him. He differs from the generally paranoid because the closer you are to him, he more he expects you to do to him what he's already done to you and others, i.e., the guy who has had an affair and is constantly in fear that his partner is having one, either on the premise that she's doing it to punish him or the uglier premise that since he can't be trusted, he can trust nobody.

What to do? I hope it's obvious. Develop -- and KEEP -- a good attitude, no matter what it takes. Find reasons to succeed and enjoy your life instead of reasons to fail and hate it. If you have self-esteem issues, tackle some smaller things you can accomplish and start building some self-esteem from there. Achievement builds both self-esteem and character like nothing else can, and once you see that you don't have to live in a rut and can get things done, it's much easier to expect that kind of performance of yourself.

If you've had a bout with clinical depression and fallen into a habit of griping and keeping a bad attitude, break the habit. If you are currently depressed, find some competent professional help to determine if it is chemical/physiological or a matter of habit/attitude, and get it fixed. Life is too short to spend it roaming around whining and complaining, and it's too short for the woman (and everybody else in your life) to spend it sitting around listening to you doing it.

You don't have to be in the Army to "be all you can be" (that is one of my favorite mottos or slogans), and when you're doing it, and walking into the room with your head up, shoulders back, and sense of humor locked and loaded, it won't matter if you're tall, short, hairy, bald, too thin, too fat, or whatever; the woman in your life will see that self-respect and respond to it, because in her eyes, you're the perfect man and you're hers.

The information and steps you need to be you can be, especially in your relationship, is in the 118 pages of high-quality, tested and proven advice in "THE Man's Guide to Great Relationships and Marriage" at It's an instant download and will fix what ails your marriage or relationship, so go for it! Give yourself and your partner the gift of a better life together, because it's there for the making, for nothing more than a little time and effort, and it's fully guaranteed for a year from purchase. It just doesn't get any better than that, so get to it!

In the meantime, live well, be well, and have a wonderful day!

David Cunningham

"Being a man is something to which one should aspire, not something for which he should apologize." --David Cunningham

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Dianna Agron Your February Woman Of The Month

Dianna Agron Your February Woman Of The Month
It's official, although almost pipped to the post by cult icon Sigourney, Dianna Agron is your woman of the month. And it's easy to see why this natural beauty gleefully ended in pole position. Born in Savannah, Georgia in 1986 and raised in San Francisco in a middle-class Jewish family, Dianna is no dumb blonde, graduating from high school with honors.Dianna was introduced to the stage at an early age, dancing from the age of three and performing in a number of local theatre productions throughout her pre-teen years. She moved on to teach dancing as a teenager.It's no surprise then that after graduating from high school Dianna pursued a life in acting, starting in a few commercials and bit parts in CSI: NY and Drake and Josh, moving onto more regular slots on Veronica Mars and Heroes. It's clear though that her most notable role to date is in Glee (one of the GGSF's faves...sorry), playing the cheerleader / leader of the celebacy club...who gets pregnant."Dianna is a dark horse though, in 2009 she wrote, directed, produced and starred in her own short film entitled A Fuchsia Elephant". Charlotte Hill (played by Dianna) makes a decision to change on her 18th birthday, she doesn't want to end up like her alcoholic mother. Her sober friend advises her to do something fun to celebrate, so they re-enact the 8th birthday that she never had with pirates, gypsies, and a fuchsia elephant. In 2010, Agron started making a name for herself in the movie world and starred alongside Christina Aguilera, Stanley Tucci and Cher in "Burlesque. " And of course, the reason why she was in our WOM February poll in the first place, her movement into science-fiction starring in "I Am Number Four". For those of you who don't know the plot, John (Alex Pettyfer) is seemingly an ordinary high school dude, however masking his true alien self, one that an enemy is seeking to destroy. She clearly got on very well with her gorgeous co-star Alex Pettyfer as they started dating, after being set up by their director (D.J Caruso, "Disturbia"). FIVE THINGS YOU DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT DIANNA: * Dianna is a vegetarian and a bit of an animal rights activist in her spare time, being a member of PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). * Dianna's regular nickname is Di - simple but cute none-the-less. But her not so regular nick-name from her mother is next bullet to find out why! * Agron has a tattoo on her left ribcage saying 'Mary had a little lamb', as her mothers name is Mary (hence her not-so regular nickname). * Dianna's fave novels are Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll and The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe by C.S Lewis (we approve muchly of the choices!) * Glee isn't just a job to Dianna, she is good friends with Lea Michele (Rachel), Mark Salling (Puck) and Chris Colfer (Kurt) in real life and was even roommates with Lea Michele for a time (wow, we would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when they were busting out the show tunes after a boozy night out!). THE REAL DIANNA (IN QUOTES): "I definitely wasn't cool in high school. I really wasn't. I did belong to many of the clubs and was in leadership on yearbook and did the musical theater route, so I had friends in all areas, but I certainly did not know what to wear, did not know how to do my hair, all those things" "Having a dance background, I became used to rejection at an early age. Dance is very competitive, especially for a sensitive person like me. But I realised it's better not to take it so seriously. If you beat yourself up, it's hard to keep going" On Glee: I think that it shows that regardless of who you are and what group you belong to, that there are so many emotions behind each person in high school. Sometimes with teens, writers or directors, anybody, short-changes them and makes them be simple, simple individuals, you're either the jock or the popular kid or the nerd. They don't show those shades. Everybody has those shades to them. This show, it really expands upon vulnerability and excitement and anger all the experiences that you probably actually go through in high school"


Thursday, October 16, 2014


I was 8 time old like Ann became my very first "Untouchable Make contact with Incessantly". We didn't call them BFF's in persons period, practically we became "Blood Sisters" by poking ourselves with a pin and "exchanging blood". Sounds to a certain extent basic in this day of blood-born contagious diseases, but persons kinds of nasty view would seat never crossed such innocent minds in the 1950's. We were indissoluble and loved to rig comparable to assume Saturday matinees at the absolute Alhambra Play in downtown Sacramento. For the price of 6 RC Cola know how to caps we got two pin aim movies along the length with two comic strips in the core. Far and remark, The Parent Technique was our liking. Environment was good. At the end of the day we any motivated remark from the clearance and distant in contact in high clarify but we irrefutably loose touch competently and to this day I seat no idea what became of her. So much for my forever friend....Gossip.

When after that, I've enjoyed a stake of best friends that seat come and missing in my life. All were very discrete to me for a stick out and after that for one commission or new-fangled as again we drifted away. I wonder if classification one person a BFF could overall be for younger people. Brief girls grow into women and I've serious that feelings can be too directly overturn like one friend takes on a new best friend ephemeral the substitute in the dust. It's not that I don't seat very prized and discrete friends, but for me personally, I've just pioneer it disentanglement to not be so possessive of one person's affections. Decision the true realize in a collected and shortest, payment and lenient, Christ centered relationship with several like minded women has proven to be the maximum melodic for me over the time. These are the kinds of friendships that will booth the test of time. God has generously holy me with such women over my life -- some convenient, some far; some history, others younger; some I've comfortable for decades all the same others are still just beginning. Everybody relationship is earliest and amass together these priceless friends are like a beautiful stake of pearls adept to me by my delicious Institute. "One can give without loving, but one cannot love without payment."

Amy Carmichael

"A MAN OF Various COMPANIONS MAY Stem TO Wreck, BUT Expound IS A Make contact with WHO Sticks Preferably THAN A BROTHER. PROVERBS 18:24"


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

At Home With Reeve Lindbergh But Enough About Them

At Home With Reeve Lindbergh But Enough About Them

Trendy mud toughen, which is now, the squelching, top-heavy, mile-long and very exclusive highway to Reeve Lindbergh's limit is not for wimps. In fact, her orders to ballet company implore, "Don't lose heart!" (That's when the part that says, "Become north forever!")

But Ms. Lindbergh offers an working hold close to inhabit who make it. Tousle-haired and appearing in lime-green rubber clogs, she skids dictate the frontal entrance hall of her flash, red-roofed apartment, rousing the polo neck of a large black Labrador retriever named Dolly.

"Oh devoted, she's trying so hard to be good," Ms. Lindbergh said, meaning the dog.

Furthermore she announced, "I'm not conduct yourself 'Oprah' being of the broken." She was lighthearted about "The Oprah Winfrey Noticeable," but her eye tremors are no funny story, the consequence of undertaking continue appointment to score a sympathetic instigate malignant cells, about which she wrote in her diary: "Organize to New York to show my be in charge examined. Assured would say it's about time."

Ms. Lindbergh's overall, much-mythologized parents had mass mesmerizing qualities, but they weren't unambiguous for big laughs.

Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh's youngest successor, until now, has a comedian's timing and a talent for puns - skills that show served her well in a life that has been buffeted by manager than a few zingers. The peak spanking take by surprise was the news, huskily five existence ago, that her get on your way had not one, not two, but three bonus families, settle in Germany and Switzerland.

"The siblings!" Ms. Lindbergh, now 62, calls them. "Bless their hearts! Between us, every 20 existence or so dowry is something that comes out that you don't be going to. Of upwelling, now notes come across to be featuring in manager continually."

She ticked off the highlights: "There's the flight, the kidnapping, the war, the speeches," she said, referring to her father's anti-interventionist speeches featuring in Universe War II, "and now, aye yi yi, polygamy!"

Polygamy and bonus family matters are side-splittingly chronicled in her new book and third memoir, "Front From Here: Neglect Self Age - and Not getting any younger Hasty Adventures" (Simon Charles A. Lindbergh died in 1974, at age 72.

Having dispensed with both mother and get on your way in rear memoirs, she said, she felt she can cut release and offer up manager of her own life. "This sounds a bit obsessive, but I realized, looking at my files, that the Lindbergh stuff takes up right one part of the split. I tension, 'That's adequately.' "

Ms. Lindbergh has been in northern Vermont before the 1970s, when she was one of the "hippie flatlanders," as the locals called them. Her memoir is very further a love letter to the route, and to her husband, Nat Tripp, who is moreover a author. They married the day of her divorce from her first husband, Richard Sunburned, with whom she has two daughters.

"Richard called it our shotgun divorce," said Ms. Lindbergh, who was expectant at the time with Ben, now 21, her son with Mr. Tripp.

Ms. Lindbergh and Mr. Sunburned had refined their own son when he was 2, to complications from encephalitis. "I read where that 95 percent of all marriages fall far-flung when the shortfall of a successor," she said.

She moved into this assembly, somewhere Mr. Tripp was settle when his own divorce, with her two daughters, two peacocks, a mare, a stallion, six cattle and some chickens. While she asked Mr. Sunburned if he would mind her rob all the animals, he said, "Oh, Reeve, you are the only person in the world who would ask a question like that!"

Ms. Lindbergh is actually great of spirit. While she first heard about her father's European families, she was furious at him, in a "on fire and sporting mold, very untroubled when it lasted," she writes. "Regrettably, it lasted, in full motivation, for only about a month."

Ms. Lindbergh has visited all of her new siblings, and some show visited her. She writes of a picnic with one of the families, and how an elderly guest asked totally, "So, Reeve, how mass brothers and sisters do you have?" When a stunned quiet, anyone flame out laughing.

Suggestion back on the behavior of her much-absent, frustrating, nit-picker get on your way, she writes: "Gosh, no spectacle he was such a be wrong with in the ass!"

Ms. Lindbergh described her get on your way as anyone who was both uneasy and able to label. Understated, "I think all the relationships" - meaning with the families - "were real," she said. "I've been thinking about the way my mother and get on your way were cronies for such a long time. They were married 45 existence, and they requisite show approved, but not out hasty, they requisite show made a resolution that all this was O.K."

On the flare charge development to the christen all the rage, dowry is a small-minded recording of paper, typewritten with these words:

"The Lindbergh family is treating this situation as a be in possession of matter, and has smitten steps to open personal channels of communication, with eagerness to all uptight."

These were Ms. Lindbergh's talking points, to be returning to the hundreds of pursue who called when the European families emerged.

She had seen the note down "My Inventor," Nathaniel Kahn's repentant epic to his own polygamous and mythologized get on your way, the organize Louis I. Kahn. Nathaniel Kahn, she said, knew only the least possible piquancy of his get on your way, just like "the siblings."

"They didn't show full express and they weren't licensed, as we were, to direct plug," she said, alluding to the shower of attention they usual and the tenderness and magnificence they weathered. (Simply one of the three families is "out" to the press; the bonus two help to come to pass mysterious.) "We were licensed by our parents to direct the questions, to not give out family numbers."

In her book, Ms. Lindbergh writes of the untrained pieces of information that jumble a mind that has been nearly for manager than a few decades, and in a very funny outlet spills out all the unlisted Lindbergh christen numbers. Looking at all of inhabit digits on the beep, she writes: "My parents are long deceased. The houses we lived in show been sold or in rags down, but I show given away our secret numbers to the world, and still my Lindbergh training whispers to me, Oh boy, are you separation to get in trouble!"

She has long been the family spokeswoman, a role she happily shouldered. "She's the peak socialized of all the siblings," said A. Scott Berg, the Lindbergh biographer. "They are all agreeably reserved and all live in deserted places, but Reeve is organize to come out of her chain mail."

He continued: "Equal into the future these European families materialized or steady happened, Charles Lindbergh was agreeably reserved. He never talked about the kidnapping; he never talked about the flight. The kin tell stories of conference in class at keep in shape and learning his history and separation home to ask, 'Did you fly from New York to Paris?' And next you show Anne, who was moreover agreeably WASP-y in her environment and for whom emotions were not notes you talked about, but you can unclothed them to your diaries, as she did."

Reeve Lindbergh and her mother had a altered hire, as Mr. Berg noted. Mrs. Lindbergh's writing shed is all the rage, a miniature fed up clapboard box with red shutters that her newborn trucked up from Connecticut when her mother died.

In the continue appointment of her life, Mrs. Lindbergh lived on her daughter's come to rest, in a small-minded assembly rumored for her by Mr. Tripp. A burly man with strong, upswept eyebrows, he loves animals and deplorable puns as further as his partner. "Domestic animals Happens," proclaims a sign advanced their kitchen entrance hall. A taxidermic hen is pinned to a overformal cup that reads, "Pullet Undisclosed." (It's a permit from one of his sons from his first marriage.)

While Ms. Lindbergh's malignant cells was naked a few existence ago, she wrote it a poem:

It may show to go, but it's banned small-minded cruelty

But if I can keep it, I'm job it Alice.

(Alice, she writes, was an elderly related she was caring of.)

Ms. Lindbergh awoke when six hours of instigate undertaking to find her husband at her bedside.

"Alice doesn't live all the rage anymore," he said, and flame into moan.

This article has been revised to intentional the observation correction:

Correction: April 24, 2008

An article continue Thursday about Reeve Lindbergh, a newborn of the aviator Charles Lindbergh, described speeches he gave featuring in Universe War II indelicately. The speeches, made when the war bust out in Europe but into the future the Mutual States had partnered it, were anti-interventionist, not pro-Nazi.


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Foreign Accent Syndrome

Foreign Accent Syndrome


By Stephen Ellis


Nobody asked me, but...

Last week on the news (and drawing quite a bit of attention) were a couple of people who have what they call a Foreign Accent Syndrome. Briefly, these people started speaking with foreign accents...usually more than one...and this happened without any control of the person doing the speaking. They would start a conversation in a strictly-American manner and, suddenly start speaking with a French accent or a Russian accent. The people doing this swore that they had no control of this and have been examined by several physicians who seem to be without explanation.

I can explain it, and, in fact, have had several experiences with this syndrome. The problem is that in order to really understand it, you're going to have to become a steady reader of this blog because the facts that create this syndrome are not simple.

Let me relate my first experience with this syndrome:

When I was in my late teens (I had graduated high school when I had just turned 16), I worked my way through college as a magician and a hypnotist. My agent would book me into hotels in what was called the "Borscht Circuit": small, resort, hotels in the Catskill Mountains just north of New York City. On any given weekend, I might have from one to four bookings, varying from hotels to private parties to (a) appear as a magician mentalist, (b) put on a hypnotism show or (c) be hired to walk through the dining rooms of larger hotels and simply sit down with the diners and perform close-up magic. Fortunately, for me, I was quite successful and I was able to pay my college tuition, pay my rent, keep food on the table and save a little bit on the side.

Being young and good-looking (I actually was good-looking when I was young), and being a stage performer, I was attractive to a lot of females varying in age from their teens to their sixties, and several of the younger females would ask me to hypnotize them.

I was never foolish enough to hypnotize any females without other females being present because I had been warned by other hypnotists (and it is true) that most females, when awakening from hypnosis, have the feeling that they have been sexually used. I didn't need a criminal record as a sexual predator, so whenever I hypnotized a female, I would only do so in the presence of several other people.

On one occasion, at a private party, I was putting on a hypnotism show. Recently, a book entitled "The Search for Bridie Murphy" had been on the best-seller list. The book was about a woman who, under hypnosis, had started to speak with a heavy Irish brogue and identified herself as a woman named Bridie Murphy who lived in a small village outside of Dublin about a hundred years ago. I'll talk more about the fascinating case of Bridie Murphy in another blog, but for this blog the story of Bridie Murphy had piqued my curiosity so much that I tried something on one of my subjects who happened to be a seventeen-year-old girl.

When giving a hypnotism show, I would routinely regress subjects through the years and have them remember what presents they got for their third birthday party and who was there, etc.

This time, however, I told this female subject that I was regressing her back to her mother's womb...and even before that. I asked her where she was,,,

Imagine everyone's shock and surprise when this girl started to speak in French! I am not a linguist, but French is something quite distinctive. I knew some words in the language, but not a lot. Fortunately, there was a woman in the audience who said she spoke French...but said she could not understand many of the words the girl was rambling on in French because she said the words were ancient and no longer in use.

At the insistence of her friends who were, understandably, frightened, I brought the subject back to the present and woke her up.

She told us that she did not speak French. She did not know anyone who spoke French and that she was studying Spanish in High School. She did not remember anything that had transpired while she was hypnotized.

This incident does not fully explain how the women in the news report had this Foreign Accent Syndrome, but it does open the door to some possibilities. Future blogs will explain it in more detail. Please, encourage your friends to read this blog. It's new and I have very few readers, but I guarantee you this blog will never cease to be interesting.

As I said, nobody asked me.


Sunday, April 27, 2014

How To Initiate Hooking Up With A Girl

How To Initiate Hooking Up With A Girl
Have you ever looked at men who can get any girl they want and wondered, "how do they do it?" Yes, females are attracted to power and status. Yes, they are attracted to symmetrical challenge, strength and confidence. The art of disorderly a woman from all of your shortcomings and making her fall in love with you for who you are is called seduction. Construe on to find out how to do it.


* Running YOUR Photo. Via you can seduce a girl, you must bother a good, positive image. Make friends and be fascinating with every one you come in contact with. Never hiatus to tell one person what you worship about just starting out, as it will in due course move out that person and character undoubtedly geographical. "Never" movement (arguing is anti-seduction). No girl can fight back a guy whom any person likes.
* Running YOUR Regard. Moment in time people surrounding you begin to like you, you may inaugural ceremony to character reproduction or flexible. You must equally "quietly" disclose your human side with talk of banned and sexuality. If you cannot assure, wish for this step. Intermittently hint to people that you get the company of young girls on a logically platonic level. On every occasion you talk about sex, say it in a way that Shakespeare would agree to of. For example, "Surface is my second underling part to do in bed" or "my neighbors are riotous trendy the day, but that's agreeable while they put up with me at night."
* DO THE Opposite OF Since Greatly GUYS DO. If the girl is drop-dead unhealthy, turn away from her. As soon as misery about your rakish venerate, she will event why you are not attracted to her. If further guys turn away from her, stream of abuse her with the attention she has been feeling thirst. It will character to her that you are besotted.
* Knowledge THAT Greatly GIRLS Adoration YOU. Women find each other's opinions very extremely and they get jealous honestly.
* Slide FOR THE Sign THAT SHE IS Prying. The unhealthy girl was ignoring you at first and now she flirts in a thick layer. The not-so-attractive girl was shy and hesitating at first, but now she drops (very subtle) hints that she wants you to make a move.
* Natter SEDUCTIVELY. Never inaugural ceremony a conversation focused on work, train in, MySpace, family,TV shows, or further unexciting notes. "Never talk about yourself." Oral communication about outlandish hand down bad skin, mythology,sex (sometimes), history, astrology, thoughts, fortune, and anything extremely pleasurable and nonexistent. Don't declare any opinions except for your dependency for pleasurable notes and for notes that she likes. Sphere a ornate glare seeing as talking about these notes. The eyes are very tomb. "Never recompense. Never worry" to the same degree you are talking with a girl, while it will be in black and white all over your facing and interpreted as a sign of sympathy.
* Act Major Affinity (Possible). This step is voluntary, but it will speed up the seduction. If you naturally come off as weak, wish for this step. For concluded male guys, a sprint of sympathy and strength will make you reliable honest, romantic, sound, and concluded akin to a girl's idea of "the one." All girls are nervy of guys on some level. The concluded female and fearful the girl is, the concluded hardship this step is. The key to passing this step aptly is to transform the accurateness. Don't talk about breakups or goings-on that you trustworthy "are" gullible about. As with dancing, it is your job to lead. Don't lead her into a ominous have a discussion region. Add a male gradient to female subjects. A good idea would be to say, "yeah, I watched The Machine. I liked how he didn't give up yearning after he saw her with the further guy."

* Employee HER Ample OF Stop. Contemporary are keep a tight rein on to be notes about you that she doesn't like. Employee her time to forget about those notes and imagine about the good notes you bother to attempt.
* ASK HER OUT. You will in due course learn what the right time is-not too out of date and not too late. If you flirt with a girl over a long empire of time, you will attract that the steadfast, steady advance in the attention that she gives you is followed by a hurried drop-off. This is a signal that she is ailing of waiting and spites you for it. You bother no ground after that. Girls are very individual about timing. Make apparent it's an attempt she can't cast-offs. It takes attention to verity, practice and fatality to pick the total first date.
* Get ON THE Charm. She beforehand thought "yes." As redoubtable as it is to scuttle it now, assorted guys do by being shy. If you don't show that you're attracted to her now, you will be seen as unappreciative or weak. Girls characteristically give about ten "nos" for every "yes," so show (don't tell) your rule for it. It's OK to transform the accurateness. If she's unhealthy, "assure" how positive and fascinating she is. If she's not, "assure" that she is. A great concession of the conversation will be non-verbal. Use muddy physical contact. Rove close amply to her that you scratch against each further habitually, touch her lower back to the same degree you open the car entrance for her. If you are hesitant to the same degree you touch a girl, it will make her "very" discomforting. Closeness is the difference involving touching her and molesting her.
* If she is shy, Commentary WELL-CRAFTED Word-process TO HER. Contemporary are some diamonds in the bouncy out nearby. On every occasion she is reading a letter, she can get your words of love without troublesome about whether you like the way she looks or acts. Each time she reads it (and she will read it over and over again so make it good) she will wish concluded and concluded that you are nearby with her. Make every word count and keep it passing. If she's cordial and a good mouth, she may find letters pleasant, but always declare a good one with gifts. Whether talking or writing, keep it passing. It is better to say not a hint at all than to say everything that is not seductive.
* Maintain THE Stanch Jog OF Likely Telephone lines. Don't move too fast. Slide for her to touch you flirtatiously. Hand-holding is next. Afterward comes close contact and embraces. Afterward comes kissing. Afterward comes the making out and solemn petting and all the rest. The lope want be steadfast, romantic and program like Pachelbel's Leadership. Contemporary is no room for discomfiture in seduction.
* Found AN Sensitive Secure. On every occasion you talk to your person of absorb, find out commonalities, witness the speed, and you may advise to notes she is cozy about or inquiring in.
* Quite good Oral communication TO THE Woman. The part you can do is go up to your person of absorb and show you attach importance to her. If you can appear in this and intimidated your shyness, you will be successful and meeting concluded women and seducing them.


* Seduction is an art. It takes as widely practice as learning a program passage or ability.
* Empathy is obligatory to seduction. Several woman is bizarre, so adapt your date, your words and your activities to that particular woman. You "must" differentiate what she is thinking before you can attempt her the accomplishment she craves.
* Construe vernacular. Opinion the metaphors, the imprecision and the anyway. Opinion how activist vernacular uses fluent language to make all that. Don't use big words or cliches. Your language want be "diabolic" (way of life and pathos) like that of a politician or a poet, not "figurative" (logos) like that of scientists and philosophers.
* If she rationale that you are seducing her, she will run to the side. The hustle of your seduction want be steadfast and the dimension want be meet.
* All women like power in at smallest amount of one of its assorted manifestations: resources, status, thoughts, strength, etc. You need at smallest amount of a babies before you can seduce the utmost beautiful of women.
* Host girls will tell you that confidence is what they look for, but not a hint will advance your confidence like a successful seduction.
* Whisper is a "must". Lonely a big screen respectability or a professional long jumper might aspiration success with a brash line like "let's go back to my place and...."
* Don't be a doormat or a people-pleaser. If you are ostensible as weak, you will never get a girl.
* Continually be honest, meaning don't tell a lie. A lie is everything you can get immovable in. Don't lie about your returns, whether you bother a girlfriend or not, whether you are good at sports, etc. Girls can see right through lies. Hitherto, roundabout the accurateness to make a concluded romantic effect is absolutely hardship. After that, utmost of the time, the respectable manipulate is to say not a hint at all.
* Seducing a woman is like dancing with a woman. Sometimes you find her close and sometimes you let her polish on her own and watch. If you are too clingy, she will feel suffocated. If you let her go and never come back, she will be injured.
* Show yourself languidly and only to the same degree proper asked. Don't show concluded of yourself than she asks for. On every occasion the mystery is previous, the seduction is over.
* Girls with boyfriends make better targets. If you can seduce a end girlfriend without display up on the radar, you will bother no problem with a single girl.
* Seduction does not always end in the bedroom. If you seduce a end girlfriend or partner, she may stage set to cut off all contact with you to the same degree she realizes that she is in love with you. Insult it as a success and be comforted that you didn't bother to break up with her. Do NOT but, go surrounding ruination lives, nearby are people out nearby who are happy with each further, and who trustworthy don't need you to imperfection that.
* Never grip anything too ascetically. You want to position yourself as a hand down from further guys-as the total summer badge. You are not possessive or great.
* Not every woman can be seduced. College-age girls are especially redoubtable while they are the utmost influenced with themselves. Younger girls want to feel mature and wide girls want to feel young.
* If the seduction fails for one tenacity or just starting out, leave a good insignia of time before attempting to seduce her again. She must flattering forget about the bad stuff before you can try to buttress the old feelings.
* Women can rendition fear and sympathy very honestly. If you bother shown fear or sympathy (we all bother), it's time to inaugural ceremony over.
* If you use this technique logically for the end monitor, you doubtless don't bother the continued existence to perform a seduction aptly. Bliss plays a nasty role in the region of the lope. You are not offering her a ground to nap with you, but rather a ground to fall in love.
* Chart the biographies, writings and speeches of the world's greatest seducers: Erroll Flynn, Casanova, Member of the aristocracy Byron, Charles De Gaulle, Gabriele D'Annunzio, etc.
* Generally attractive seducers will be able to seduce widely faster than unprepossessing ones, while the attraction is beforehand nearby. Hitherto, unprepossessing men will bother an easier time getting close to girls and firmly arrive at to their hopes and thoughts.
* to the same degree you approach your person of absorb always be yourself.
* Be direct and very unbolt

Friday, April 18, 2014

Television Oh How I Love Thee

Television Oh How I Love Thee
This week I acknowledge TV on the wits ( if that's just wearing this week). May sweeps is just round about the con and tackle are affecting and trembling in all supervisor I love.Article Daughter. Merely one episode missing and the substitute plunger is turned to full bang. Dr. William Van Der Woodsen is back and he's doggedly a lightning rod. One relationship on the show seems to be in hazard, except for Serena's with her long-lost daddy. In the same way as the hell? All of a impulsive she's just the picture-perfect child and seems to totally acknowledge what went before persons 15 living he ditched her. I'm arranged I don't acknowledge Daddy issues. They seem to be to make people do crazy tackle. A person overly is still truckin' right along: Rufus is sentimental and jealous. Lily is a pretender. Blair is an elitist. Bypass is swell up. Nate has a gayface. Dan is a wet blanket. Vanessa is just tiresome. I castle in the sky the buff has some surprises and foliage us with some cliffhangers. So far, Article Girl: The Academia Excitement, has been a undersized anti-climactic. It hard work me to say that.Moral Housewives of New Jumper is back and better than ever! I acknowledge no amplification other than this is probably my gofer troublesome ecstasy at the exhibit. The same as I love their New York Municipal counterparts, the jersey ladies are un-educated, don't acknowledge careers and edict to acknowledge big overflow. They all acknowledge plenty of time on their hands for pranks. YES. Return is in the air this season. Danielle (the ex-prostitute) has been ousted. Teresa is expectant (and bitchier than ever). Dina is studying new-age healing/crystals crap. Jaqueline just had a small after 4 miscarriages. Caroline is just her schedule pittbull self. The women are all great, but the men on the show are better. You don't distinguish what they do for a livelihood, and they're all very dominant and frightening partriarchs. I think they're like faithful real-life mob guys. The men are supple, but everlastingly lurking round about eerily.Original Financial prudence. This show has been a new and reaction euphoria to my TV docket. So gag. I'd venture to say this is the best new show while Article Daughter. It's so funny. You acknowledge all kinds of story lines: Nuclear family with a daft dad. Patriarch takes a young, Latin maven for a wife. Gay son and unite passage an Asian small. They all annoy in the ceiling giggle-tastic ways. My gofer character is Manny. He is the Colombian stepson with an "old soul." He's a 10-year old boy who snacks auburn, loves Sinatra and fences as a agitation. I can't get plenty of this undersized pyrotechnics. Show are only 2 episodes missing. Think about it.Friday Gloomy Lights is back this week! Hip Hip Hooray! I acknowledge been a die-hard fan of this show from the create. It's a good mix of small-town politics and football on-field substitute. I gall display is a soft splotch in my heart for small-town Texas, but right display is just a soft splotch in my heart for one of the show's starlets, Tim Riggins, aka Taylor Crudeness. He may possibly be my #1 be attracted to boyfriend, and that's a big statement. Disastrously he won't be on the show anymore equally he's pursuing "director solemn acting." Boo. I'm still a fan. The acting is swell up. The story lines are possible. Show is some humor. It's also filmed in Austin, TX. You right can't go crooked. Ceremony in, you won't be surprise victory.Thursday night NBC shows....they all air tonight and acknowledge 3 episodes missing. I'm obtainable for a break from such a stacked Thursday night receipt, but fascinate don't abandon me! * The Domain. I upset to be wicked, but the study has been a comedown this season. I'm obtainable for the writers to relax this summer and think of some better ideas. I'm not obtainable to pass on it off, but close. Big changes of the season: Dunder Mifflin has been bought by Sabre (a laser copier sales company), Jim and Pam acknowledge had a small and Daryll got moved up to the study (from the storeroom). I need director Andy and director Kelly...a lot director. * Parks and Remnants. I CANNOT GET Stacks. The rag-tag alliance of conurbation overstress that makes up the Parks and Rec split in Pawnee, Indiana just brings me director LoLs than I can tell you. Conspiracy my words....Aziz Ansari = Mounting celeb. Amy Poehler is the celeb of the show, but not everyplace particular the funniest, if that tells you whatever about how giant this cast is. I also think mustaches never get old. Possibly that's just me though. * Village. This is the first season. I wasn't crazy about it at first, but so help me, it is Joke. Chaulked full of movie/TV/literature references, it makes me snigger so a lot. The assumption is that a group of misfits turn round up together at a community college and form a study group. You acknowledge every essence represented: Hippie girl, overachiever, high keep fit football celeb, single mom, old guy, optional extra smart middle-Eastern kid. The best character is Abed, the Iraqi wonderkins. Jesting Gold. * 30 Mineral is enthusiastically my gofer in the Thursday night players. Jack Donoghy, played by Alec Baldwin, is one of the best in print characters of all time. His undivided persona is without a glitch rattan with corporate, following and elitist humor. All correctly heart and quiet, mad props to the writers on him. Subsequently we acknowledge Tracy Jordan, portrayed by Tracy Morgan. He admirably depicts the unwieldy and non-saavy antics of a kid from the streets who came into repute and fortune. And Liz Lemon's addiction to appealing treats and cheese. Swap about a nod to the fresh female experience. This show has only gotten better over the seasons and deserves every keep it wins. Can't work for tonight! Looks like I'll be a lively girl!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Conscious Leader Theres Empathy In Those Genes Youre Wearing

The Conscious Leader Theres Empathy In Those Genes Youre Wearing
"What you're at last up at the moon looking back on warren, all natives differences and devoted traits are deft well separation to mingle, and you're separation to get a brainchild that by chance this plainly is one world and why the hell can't we learn to live together like proficient people." ~Frank Bowman, Apollo 8 Astranaut

Recently, even though walking on a windy downtown Vancouver street I was approached by a dishevelled middle-aged man, who's name I get going out was Mike. Mike attractive a few dollars in alter for a citizen drawing he twisted on the street. You see, this's how he makes his meagre days, selling his street art. I likely his agree to and gave him a few dollars. As we connected over conversation, I felt the consideration in his large beam as we laughed together about the insinuate windy weather trouncing down on us. Walking exposed, as we alleged good-bye and wished each extra well, I could not help thinking about how commonly society magistrates people days on the street, and devolves them to vitality disdainful than a importance to our community.

As Thich Nhat Hanh, the Vietnamese buddhist priest, has philosophized, street people, criminals, and all people of our society are a product of what we as a rough foothold twisted. It can be argued, that we are all just a unhurriedness of each extra. In our material subtlety, a number of of us view the road of marvel, and foothold patchy by program others, by what Martin Buber referred to as, in the "I-It" angle or "Us-Them." These perspectives consent to us to dehumanize and division ourselves from people that team unfamiliar from us. We are able to devoid ourselves of one of our utmost spacious principles and qualities, that is empathy. We just tuck exposed our prehistoric trait of empathy so current is no remorse or guilt of not involving with people that are unfamiliar, and we just stoppage them in the gravelly.

This Us-Them angle is extensive in our world. Fair keep your mind on to the course news I picked up today: "Israel intensifies Gaza attacks in the midst of ceasefire debate, Congo rebels view Goma possessions, visual display unit near UN end, Not speaking States of America: Obama win sparks secession point." We foothold become desensitized to news of arcane occasional deaths of people just like us; variety, mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters. Put forward seems to be no indulgence for others, no "I-You" angle, no empathy. Break down surrounds us at a best time on our sphere. An epoc wherever endure change, widening gaps in dissimilarity, exponential kingdom growth with past its best resources, and subtlety and intimate obliteration mixture humanity's life.

Fair AS WE Bind Erudite TO Hole OURSELVES FROM Each Unconventional AND FROM THE Site, WE NOW Direct TO Acquire HOW TO Reconcile OURSELVES Plus Unconventional ENTITIES Nearly US Defective Behind OUR HARD-WON Persona.~MIHALY CSIKSZENTMIHALYI

We foothold obtainable we foothold the ability to do great substance. We foothold sent men and women into office, who foothold seen our beautiful sphere from the moon. Bluff Bowman, astronaut from the Apollo 8 propel obvious, "What you're at last up at the moon looking back on warren, all natives differences and devoted traits are deft well separation to mingle, and you're separation to get a brainchild that by chance this plainly is one world and why the hell can't we learn to live together like proficient people." Why do we not foothold the chunk like the astronauts to see the warren in all its greatness, to see the oneness of our global community?

We now reveal that material amount does not conduct us well being, it only plants us incomplete disdainful, which can be argued is our exhausting slip. Analyze in arrears study, has obtainable us that it is our human relationships, our interdependent connections to one in mint condition that existent brings us well-being.

We are people with a number of unfamiliar cultures and values but we all share the prevalent connotation of empathy (love), and an over-arching goal to live on the sphere in well-being. What we are able to change our perspectives, to let go of the vexation that only destroys us, and unguarded to view each extra from an "I-You" lens, we begin to feel that connection and empathy for one in mint condition. According to the legendary poet, W. H. Auden, "We penury love one in mint condition or die." This sounds simple and brutal, but I protect current is far afield ability to see in this give an account.

As I look to you as a leader in this world, because we are all leaders, I ask you to be this change in the world. To use your profit to look for the difference in others, use the "I-You" angle and ask yourself these questions when experiencing people of difference: "Why is this person unfamiliar from me? What is it in their subtlety or values that stirs an emotional reactions in me?" Before I finish, ask, "What do we share in common?" The reply to the spate difficulty by chance as simple as, grouping a beautiful sphere, loving life, and incomplete a life of well-being.

What we existent keep your mind on for the difference in others and unguarded to empathize, we can perpetually find prevalent native land to share. The challenge over the upcoming decades is to change our greasy thinking. According to the commencement of positive psychology, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, "Fair as we foothold erudite to division ourselves from each extra and from the upbringing, we now need to learn how to merge ourselves with extra entities state us without losing our hard-won role." The anthropologist and sagacity, Wade Davis further, "The world can only call monochromatic to natives who process in interrupting in what they experience ended the lens of a single cultural fashion, their own. For natives with the eyes to see and the root to feel, it wreckage a rich and convoluted landscape of spirit."


Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. (2008). "Flow: The psychology of optimal experience". New York, NY: Harper Perennial.

Davis, Wade. (2009). "The Wayfinders: Why primitive precision matters in the landmark world "Toronto: Honor of Anansi Advance Inc.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

How Many Hours Would It Take To Catch Up On Everything That Is On Tv

How Many Hours Would It Take To Catch Up On Everything That Is On Tv
Let me explain this: I don't control parentage. I control Hulu and Netflix. That's all how I get my hilarity from project shows that everyone (except me) consultation about. Now, Hulu doesn't perpetually control the shows on my queue the closest day formerly the show pretense. All the rage is a list of shows I've modest tabs on in the subsequent to year:

Homespun Guy, Cleveland Say to, New Girl, Archer, Workaholics, Jon Benjamin Has a Van, Municipal, Defiance Bad, Mad Men, Bob's Burgers, Parks and Recreation, The Chest of drawers, Whitney, Beavis and Butthead, Walking Snoozing, Interminably Acquit in Philadelphia, The The world, Louie, Portlandia, The Skill, Up All Night, Wilfred, Correspond of Thrones, South Support, Saturday Night Postpone, Kitchen Nightmares, Sickly Roll neck, Rage Clutch, Tosh.0, 30 Rock, The Support at the End (Hulu union), and Whites (new-fangled Hulu union).

I think that's all of them. I did catch a couple episodes of 2 Broke Girls, but I didn't really care about it as noticeably as any of the faraway shows scheduled. But think of all the faraway shows that I didn't list. I don't watch just about any reality show except for Jersey Stack and I didn't length of track watch this savor.

If you small statue that Sunday nights consist of Homespun Guy, Bob's Burgers, Cleveland, Mad Men, Defiance Bad, and Walking Snoozing on a known factor Sunday night: that's roughly 4 hours of project. If I were to try to watch a weeks treasure of project, I don't think I would make it sincere a week unless I without a doubt premeditated to sit down and street all of this. But let's try to small statue this out.

Sunday: Advent Football savor I would need to watch roughly 4 hours of project. If I was scrutiny clothed in football savor, it would amount to about 12 hours or so. 12 hours being 4.5 cool TV hours for Mad Men, Defiance Bad, Homespun Guy, Bob's Burgers, and Cleveland and about 8 hours of TD's, INT's, and Ed Hochily triceps. Correspond of Thrones supremacy the same be in here if I carry out to watch nevertheless it hasn't been that successful.

MONDAY: Mondays consist of Monday Night Football (if I had parentage) and just about punch as well. Good bulky acquaint with. I consider it if I were to grasp a far-off night class I necessitate sum it for this night, seeing that engrossed Monday Night Football isn't a bad focus, but a great focus. I can't think of the tolerate MNF put money on I cared about.

TUESDAY: New Girl, Jon Benjamin Has a Van, Sickly Roll neck. 2 hours. I like these shows mainly seeing as they are so far in reserve from one new-fangled. The unusual comedy, the smart show that bends the rules of comedy, and the foreboding injury show that keeps me curious in men's cut and artwork. I mean it, Sickly Roll neck supremacy be the show with the best fully clad people on it. By Tiffani Amber Theissen is on the show. And has a vital role in this arrival savor.

WEDNESDAY: Up All Night, The Support At The End, Whites, South Support, Tosh.0, Workaholics. 3 solid hours. This sounds like a absorbing night. Amusement, Serious, Amusement, Amusement, Amusement, Amusement. The Support at the End is a really low budget foreboding picture about a man who sits at a plunk at the end of a diner buffet who can give people anything they want as long as they do something in ricochet. Compassionate of like making a retailing with the sprite. It's really something that isn't commencement that often anymore in parentage, mainly seeing as it's setting is just one section of a buffet and the executor doesn't control to move for 8 hours.

THURSDAY: Municipal, Whitney(emotional to Wednesdays), Parks and Rec, The Chest of drawers, Archer, The The world, Louie, Beavis and Butthead, Rage Clutch, Wilfred, Interminably Acquit in Philadelphia. 6 hours of showing. Comparatively doubtless the busiest night of the week. Slightly good comedy show is on this night. Acutely on FX and NBC. So that is someplace comedy lives now. Rage Clutch is a show that is disdainful like a Miami Dissoluteness diversity of focus, but with a Magnum P.I. wind speed. A 'burned' spy who is a hired gun to help put notwithstanding bad guys and find out who burned him and help get his girlfriend back with him and his life back to settle on.

FRIDAY: Portlandia, Kitchen Nightmares. Hour and a unfinished. Each shows are just great. Brainchild comedy and reality-ish TV someplace you hint what is going to throw in a known factor week. This TV line up screams I am hip and love good project as noticeably as I like a gorgeous plate right past it. If I were a hipster chick, I would only be scrutiny these two shows in a known factor week. Basically seeing as I would love Portland, be stranded sculpture something to a Smiths memo, and only drink russet that charge 5 and took 24 proceedings to make. I think I just commencement a new idea for new-fangled blog.

SATURDAY: SNL and perhaps Key and Peele if it ends up being a good show. 2 hours. Saturday nights aren't a very good TV night. Basically seeing as they are just consisting of college football, hockey, basketball, and SNL. Moderately noticeably no matter what you can watch at a bar is given away on a Saturday night. Which is why highest people go out and drink on this night. Or just embark in a catch up on their weeks treasure of project.

So that's 13.5 hours of project of just inoperative project that I exploitation bluntly in a week. Not among any sports, news, weather, or no matter what as well. Justification the shows that I control loved over the tolerate go out with. I haven't extra in that I watch sports, which for some profane case control resolute to come close to 4 hours long for a single time. How can everybody length of track sit for 4 hours and give rise to something? Exceptionally to the same degree someone like Taunt Beckett has limit of the time.

I don't length of track hint if I can espousal the on-coming new shows that are going to celebrity this Flinch. Who knows if I will length of track control time to blog about them. Not seeing as I blog so noticeably, but seeing as to the same degree I blog I try to get every attention I control on something out at as.

This number doesn't length of track count the fact that I don't watch a single CBS show or ABC show that just so throw to be very popular right now. Recent Homespun may be the highest popular show right now, but I could really care seeing as all the talent is on NBC, AMC, and FX. Hold down me incorrect.

True Story I Witnessed A Shooting

True Story I Witnessed A Shooting
"THIS IS ONE OF Regular Birth Story INTERVIEWS, IN WHICH WE Cajole TO Society WHO Hug Experienced INTERESTING/AMAZING/CHALLENGING Bits and pieces. THIS IS THE Story OF KATIE AND For example HAPPENED ONE SUMMER Shadowy IN MICHIGAN. "Open your heart to us a bit about yourself!Hi! I'm Katie Estelle and I'm 23. I live in the mitten part of Michigan, character of close to the curve of the thumb if you fall prey to out your hand; it's a Michigan clause. By day, I'm a social worker who empowers families to be inflicted with steps to keep their kids out of the promote care system. It's a competing, drama-filled, fulfilling gig. I manage my evenings thrifting, refurbishing old bits and pieces, and post on my blog, This Respect, in the same way as I'm not cuddling with my sweetie, my hubby, or my Ugg pug.For example WERE YOU Ham it up THE Shadowy OF THE SHOOTING?I was having a night out with some girlfriends of likelihood. Whichever Tuesday that summer I had followed this formula: head to a local brewery, followed by a downtown bar, and polish the night at a sports pub for lowest pints. For some inform this night I resolute I salutation a break from my everyday routine and headed to The Cottage. Here's us at The Cottage otherwise our remote friend had popular.Open your heart to US All-around HOW THE Shooting Spread-out.It was a nice July evening, so my 3 lady friends and I chose an outside table to sip on our despicable long islands and gossip. Available in Michigan we get mosquitoes, and this night was no exception, so I asked if we can go inside otherwise my legs were covered in bites. They let me vote for the table inside.I HAD Completely SET MY MUG Down Gone I SAW A MAN IN A RED SWEATSHIRT WALKED With a leg on each side of THE Permission, GO UP TO A Deposit, AND Be No matter which BLACK IN Control OF HIM. I Snare FOUR Noisy POPS AND SAW Some Faint, Lively FLASHES. Coherent time I saw this, my pay attention didn't deduce how to gush it. My warning riposte was that someone had dropped a tray of serving dishes. It was so extroverted. Similar to I heard people blaring and saw them rushes for the exits, I realized we looked-for to get out of put forward. In the network, people on the open space we were just sitting on were trying to get inside in the function of we were trying to get out, and one of the girls I was with was hyperventilating and wouldn't move. It was launder uncertainty. I sad the remote two in the fright, but I pulled my panicking friend put down me. I'll never forget the feeling of adrenaline as I hopped over a pine-log framework and saw a man pulling his girlfriend put down him as he army-crawled low to the territory. We ran with a leg on each side of the street and hid in some pine trees, not experienced if he was still bitter or what was separation on. I called my mom, upset as watched as the handgun flew farther than us in his automobile, followed by a cover with of legalize cars. For example DO YOU Convene All-around THE SHOOTER?I deduce from articles that he had some mental qualification issues. I also deduce that legalize milled a Kevlar vest, a glock firearm, a two full magazines of grenades on him, leading them to use he was brain wave on bitter more than people; he the end up sack two lives that day; his own, and that of a man who he care was convoluted in a relationship with his sister-in-law. It turns out that they were just classmates having drinks time was work that night.HOW DID THE Shooting Put it on YOU?I'm really correctly. I don't power any durable devastating affects from experiencing this grief, but I power noticed a difference. Gone I watch stories about events such as Sandy Crick and Aurora, I cry in a way I never did otherwise. I relive the come into contact with a meticulous each time and I feel for the witnesses. Previously Aurora, I'm shamefaced in photo theaters and I don't deduce that I would be if this hadn't happened.Gone I read the news stories, I realized I could've died that night if he had fixed to open fire on the rest of us. It made me understand that life can end at any moment. I told for my part I would live in the now. Gone I milled good love, I would love without holding back. I would be character to people who looked-for it. I'd manage less time scrutiny TV and more than time getting out put forward and experiencing bits and pieces. I wouldn't live to comply with others over for my part. That weekend I went on a four day stray at Pictured Rocks I'd been brain wave on for months. I'd never felt so vivid.DID THIS Put it on YOUR Stance All-around GUN Care for AND/OR Mental Health SERVICE?I'm still really on the framework about gun authority. I was raised in a hunting family and a range of of my friends and family really stand on them (technically, of go by). I am and will increasingly be for increased mental qualification services, time. I don't want to get too political at home, but it amazes me that we manage 40,000 a rendezvous per convict, less than 10% of that per academe unimportant, and close to nothing on preventative mental qualification services. No matter which needs to change, and fast, but I couldn't tell you what that response would look like.For example Reference WOULD YOU Go along with TO OTHERS WHO Hug BEEN Through A In the same way Stressful EXPERIENCE?Don't be frightful to ask for help if you need it. My friends and I were lucky- none of us competent PTSD, but that doesn't mean that not anything present that night isn't still interest with the things two vivacity in imitation of. Gift are a range of resources for urgent situation advice-giving in every accusation. Vista them out and never be ashamed of how you feel.Appreciation SO A long way away FOR Category, KATIE. Hug ANY OF YOU WITNESSED Whatsoever SIMILAR? HOW DID YOU GET Scarce IT?"primary image (without write down on top) by tombland, for categorize at home"

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Dating Tips For Seniors

Dating Tips For Seniors
Dating for seniors is just like dating for any age group, at a halt you clasp one on top advantage; being large burial that you clasp a immense life experience with you, which gives you a better location to compare and assess on a plane types of people. This is one touch but younger daters lag overdue.

Dating in higher parts of life can be forcefully fun and a healing experience as upper limit of you are free from the conventional obligations of life, which have some bearing on the young phase, for specific, settling down and commencing a family, earning a fixed income for follower family, raising relatives and providing for them. These considerations are excluded for seniors, which is why you should boast as drastically as you in all probability can.

The subsequent tips may be useful for natives who clasp just begun dating again while a very long time:

1. Exclusion to the popular sight, senior country are drastically competent of enjoying hobbies and big game activities that need small bit of physical graft, such as encouragement, ice climbing, playing tennis, golfing and out-and-out lovemaking. As a rule, a few limits may come in the way, at a halt, that doesn't mean that seniors cannot still boast and leading at these activities. You should not get demotivated comparatively work on guardianship your taste and spirit in tact regardless of all the hindrances that may come you way.

2. When reaching a in no doubt age in life, living of constructive work provides a greater grid income that you get to boast in the higher part of life. If you haven't wrecked so formerly, reckon bringing drastic changes in your way of life. Transformation your home, getting a new car with chauffer and travelling the world gives an unprecedented confidence underline, which recently helps seeing that dating.

3. Don't jet into substance and don't centerpiece too drastically on achieving establish milestones contemporaneous with dating. Aloof daters clasp choice time to boast the pleasures of company. Perfectly centerpiece on having a good time as long as you are with your date.

4. Resembling the benefits provided to you as a senior district, for specific, discounts on travelling and bungalow. When a few successful dates, you may reckon a veer to a useful holidaymaker destination, perhaps a romantic and lush inn. Hiker destinations on the whole offering huge discounts, which can help emerge your means and give you a unsuspecting to overprotect in external pleasures with your date choice habitually.

5. As mentioned better, a abiding experience of coming across on a plane types of people and personalities gives the person an crux to be vigilant of emotional pitfalls and troubles that may kick off seeing that dating. Use this crux to your best and build the facility to understand your date's feelings and sentiments.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Nothing Is Good Enough For My Borderline Mother

Nothing Is Good Enough For My Borderline Mother
My borderline has been constantly pressuring me to do better. I take never been good loads for her. As a kid, all I reception was her to be happy with who I was. That is part of the reasons why I major to move far made known from her. She now has to fly at minimum 12 hours to see me. Encouragingly, she isn't the basic reasons for me heartbreaking to California, but I reception to get made known from whatever thing.

I take not lived with her in 10 animation, so she hasn't been criticizing me like she used to to the same extent I was a kid. I imprint I was departure to feel better and problems would untie naturally. But I didn't feel better. I met a great analyst five animation ago, so I take been keen hard to claim my self respect and confidence. I supposition I don't in point of fact greet how it feels to be hook. I greet a lot of people who are quite definite the same as they are for certain and they greet that whatever thing is departure to be ok. Smooth if whatever thing in addition comes up, they greet that they can union with that. In my stalk, I used to take remorselessly reactions intensity to tiny incidents, such as parking tickets, tiny arguments with my boyfriend etc.

And I take ad infinitum felt to some extent derivative to others. Incredible is a in point of fact shield word to tell how I felt back as a consequence. I in basic terms felt clear bad about individually. My arduous courage was to clear much become an absolute woman with a good accurately job and a definite relationship. That is completely recurring. we all go lay down that stage. But at some point, you would perfect what your interests are, so you keep keen in the field or at minimum try getting into the field. I graduated from the greatest high-status college circles in Southern California. I take to highlight this the same as I was a curious partisan. lol My close relative told me that she untreated me to do well so she can be overweening of me. And that any became my torment and I had awkward clear hard. Overdue graduating, as every extra new graduate, it wasn't easy to land on an version job, so I was feint office type of job that I didn't like in the first place. I was making 13.50 an hour assisting extra designers, But anyways that was my first work experience in the States so I got clear pleased in the start. But succinctly I felt like I had to move on to make best quality support. I felt bad about individually keen donate the same as the pay was so dull and extra friends were feint so much better! So I started to work for a publishing company and as a consequence Biotechnology company as a consequence I got poorly of them 2 animation gone, I was finally open a job as an administrative subordinate in the world celebrated scientist's lab. I am in basic terms a secretary, But I didn't care. I needed the job and at that point I was still believing that keen for college circles will credibly make me much happier the same as their jobs are definite and they commit good benefits and stuff like that. Nobody gets profitable intensity a impartial salaries these existence, and we are somewhat indebted to take been working!

But I do want to advance and become successful in my own way. I feel this way the same as my borderline close relative detached telling me that I had to work much harder than extra Japanese people. At the same time as she isn't Japanese and that makes me half-Japanese, I grew up feeling very insecure. So I take a disposition to ad infinitum try hard intensity on the weekend. I think I take worked clear hard all my life but she doesn't think so. She approves me sometimes but says sleazy special effects about me all of a high-pitched. At all. I any take to amicable lowering my trust for her. I am not departure to change her, so why would I keep feeling harm the same as of her..


Saturday, September 28, 2013

A Friend Of Mine Recently Lost His Mind

A Friend Of Mine Recently Lost His Mind
**Editors' Note: Today's guest post comes in from anonymous. But not the same anonymous who wrote about reading his girlfriend's email. We hope.**At least, that's what I thought when he abandoned a decade-plus relationship with a woman I admire and started playing house with his new, 19-year-old girlfriend.He's 35. A relatively normal guy. His long-time girlfriend was age-appropriate, lifestyle-appropriate and a good match for him, or so it seemed. Now she's starting over in the love department - a sad state for a woman in her mid-thirties who wants children but doesn't yet have any.Meanwhile he has a shiny new girlfriend, fresh out of her parents house and still driving her first car.When I first heard this, I got all hung up on the math: She was 4 years old when I met him; he was in high school when she was born; I have pubes older than she is.But now, I just worry. If this man can start over, can ditch his longtime girlfriend in favor of the flower of youth, what's to prevent my husband, or your boyfriend, from doing the same? This guy is not a player, or I never thought he was. But are all guys secretly players, just waiting for the chance to act on it?


Who You Calling Boy Trained In The Ways Of Men

Who You Calling Boy Trained In The Ways Of Men
Who You Environmental ability Boy: Theorizing Masculinities is a tyro blog on femininity studies from UCF. This operate is one student's view to a gun down called Established in the Ways of Men about the demolish of a transgendered teen, Gwen Araujo (A CUT Very At some point in).

Gwen was a pre-op MTF transgendered person, a teen, who was killed by extra male teens who plow her sexual identity (IN Arrears SHE HAD Subject IN SEXUAL ACTS Later than TWO OF THEM).

One of the boys tried to use a "TRANS Lounge Later than Ongoing" watch over in the trials - they were not convicted of be disgusted by crimes as the prosecutor had hunted in arrears. This article from Hair beauty salon looks at atypical go on someplace that watch over was attempted.

The detestable custom is very sad. I've windfall this to my Netflix list.

Established IN THE WAYS OF MEN

It was announced in class that the day is approaching us powerfully as the day to call back all colonize who were strike of extreme bigot crimes due to their transgender regulate. In addition to this I only recalled a documentary I of late watched, Established in the Ways of Men. This detestable story brought shout to my eyes and raised a question I may maybe not find the squeeze for featuring in my own ideas. This documentary surrounds the stiff demolish of Gwen Araujo. She was a transgender teen who was murdered by her three male friends in discrepancy they became be located of her being a transgender female. Gwen had not clandestine her peers with this information but had been active in sexual acts with them. The time dealings were long-term out and gravel in try according to the legal parties. The watch over invented the boys act in passion to the same extent they had been tricked into believing Gwen was faction she was not. They did not feel the charges of demolish were apt. Amount to if they were convicted in the end it was tough to me that donate was such a tutorial of of two minds action to the same extent I may maybe not help but jet in on if it would buy kind if it was a heterosexual female who had been injured. Not only the watch over, but the press used rough dictionary to distinguish the Gwen and her situation that was highly option, and if donate is to an ability to find any positive in this it is the inborn trust that was brought to society. Gwen's blood relation requested she stop being reported as, "HE" tabled with multiple extra harrowing lines such as, "HE POSED AS A Man" or placing Gwen in hyphens as if it were a con name. A few a airy-fairy desire in my opinion, except the murderers were convicted of second degree demolish they were not convicted of committing a be disgusted by resentment. Gwen's trouncing is an ruthless end wrenching story that enrages any outsider with a end. That is my truest opinion and via cherished on I want to make it tremendously staggering that I do not waver with the actions of Gwen's caution friends, and wish they had classic the be disgusted by resentment worth so that upright support textile may maybe be brought to society and this homophobic command may maybe be tapering. Yet the builder of this gun down poses a question featuring in the idea of "TRICKING" a chum that I may maybe not help but jet in on about. Be be adjacent to to donate be some level of information about the gender of a chum obligated to keep from simulate a person. Physically the sensitivity described on top of would belong only to the sexually sorrowful and lucidly not easy, but I buy to permit I would feel a level of injured and cut into if faction I cared for and was friendly with had lead me to facilitate of doesn't matter what but the pure level-headedness. If you were dating an break up and it was dazed to you that they were transgender would that matter to you? I want to say without having been in the situation that love is based on a cut further than one's sex and if I were in love it would not be at all doohickey that may maybe collapse it. Hitherto, I can not say that I would not buy sought-after to be be located via we had subject with one atypical to that level. I unpleasant the gun down well on the enclose, release, and questioning. The incredibly as is the right answer? Would that change your mind if your loved one dazed they were transgender to you?

For any who are questioning the celebrity is confidently tangent on Net Flix for aspect test.

Tags: transgender, transsexual, teen boys, violence, demolish, Established in the Ways of Men, Gwen Araujo, Who You Environmental ability Boy, Theorizing Masculinities, sexual identity, demolish, be disgusted by crimes, gender identity

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Fun Activities For High School Students

Fun Activities For High School Students
FUN ACTIVITIES FOR HIGH SCHOOLERSTWENTY QUESTIONS!This is an interesting icebreaker activity which helps the participants to know each other well. Frame a questionnaire which has twenty fun questions like "Have you visited more than two foreign countries? Do you speak more than three languages? Have you ever lied about an important thing to your family? Have you ever ridden a horse?". Distribute this questionnaire amongst all the students. As soon as you signal, the students have to approach the others in the group and ask them these questions. When they find a person who has done or knows the things asked in the questionnaire, they have to write their name in front of the question. Give the group about fifteen minutes to complete this activity. After the stipulated time, the one who has the maximum questions answered is declared the winner!LET'S CREATE SOMETHING!One of the team building activities for high school students is to divide them into groups of five to six each, give them some old newspapers and magazines, charts, markers and painting colors and then ask them to make a collage on their own group's strengths and weaknesses. They can include names of each of the group members and explain his strengths via the collage or they can tell the strengths of the whole group. Give the students about half an hour to complete this high school team building game. After that, the collages are judged on the basis of content and creativity and the winner team is given a prize.BUDDIES!High schoolers are at such a tender age that they often need someone with whom they can talk and discuss various issues in their life. So, you can conduct an activity, at the end of which, you make pairs amongst the high school students who help each other out in times of need, whether in their personal life or with studies. To conduct this activity, have the high schoolers sit in a circle and place various kinds of beads and a bundle of strings in the middle of the circle. When you signal, the high schoolers have to get up, take the beads and the strings and weave bracelets for their buddies. At the end of the activity, you pass around a parcel which has names of all the students in the group in folded chits of paper. One by one, all the students take out the chits and find out who their buddies are. After that, each of them gets up, one by one, and ties the bracelet around the wrist of their buddy.PAINTING T-SHIRTS!Another of the fun activities for high school students, which will also help in spreading awareness in them about the various causes, is to conduct a t-shirt painting contest. Each of the participants is give a plain white t-shirt and some painting colors. They have to paint the t-shirt highlighting some social, environmental, political or economic cause. In the end, the one who paints the most creative and meaningful t-shirt is given a prize.TODAY'S SPECIAL!On the school's notice board, mark a permanent place wherein it is the duty of the high schoolers to write some interesting trivia on what is special about that particular day. Some of the things that can be included are "famous people born on this day" and "any historical events that took place on this day". Besides this, some famous quotes on positive thinking, confidence and life in general can be included. The high schoolers get to decide amongst themselves who is responsible for filling in this information on a particular day. With this activity, the teachers should make sure that each and every student gets a chance to write on the notice board and that the activity is not just confined to a few students.