I am 45 and my entire life I have had the same problem. I find a girl I like, then I do everything I can to court her properly-phone calls, texting, flowers-everything you could think of to be a nice, caring guy. Every time, they tell me they just want to be friends and I end up heartbroken. Help! There is nothing I want more than to start a family, but even though everybody says women are desperate to marry and have kids, I can't seem to find the one desperate enough to take me seriously. What is going on?
The rational observer would note the difference between the objective and the results and conclude that the gentleman is going about it all wrong. Which, of course, is exactly the case. Men, particularly Deltas and Gammas, have to get it through their heads that when women say "women find X attractive" what they actually mean is "women like it when attractive men do X".
The secret is to distinguish between behavior and attractiveness. Proper courting behavior isn't any more intrinsically attractive to women than defecating in the toilet. No man expects a woman to be attracted to him because he doesn't crap in the living room, and in like manner, he shouldn't expect her to be attracted to him because he cares, buys flowers, or sends complimentary texts either.
Now that doesn't mean you must never care or buy flowers or whatever "once a woman has established that she is sufficiently attracted and committed to you". Yes, I know most Game theoreticians recommend staying mean to keep them keen, but keep in mind that most of the most successful pick-up artists don't know a damn thing about being married or having long-term relationships because so few of them any successfully experience of either. This does not mean transforming yourself into a hateful gamma man-servant catering to her every wish, it simply means that loyalty and commitment merit the same.Alpha Game 2011
Origin: dating-coach-anita.blogspot.com
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