USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Sue Gardner Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, April 1, 1937, issueNoneRitzville Journal-Times, Thursday, April 8, 1937, issueNoneRitzville Journal-Times, Thursday, April 15, 1937, issueMrs. Eckhardt Dies Saturday Funeral services for Katherine Marguerite Eckhardt, 79, who died last Saturday,were held at the Philadelphia Congregational church Tuesday afternoon, with the Rev. H.Nuetzmann officiating. A resident of Ritzville since 1915, Mrs. Eckhardt was born in Kammerzell, inFrank, Russia. In 1876 she married Jakob Eckhardt and the family migrated to America in1891, making their home in Walla Walla. In 1898 they came to Ritzville and settled on afarm northwest of town. They have made their home in Ritzville since 1915. Mrs. Eckhardt had not been well for many years, and had gradually grown weaker sinceher last operation. She is survived by her husband; two sons, Carl and Jakob of Ritzville; two daughters,Mrs. John Miller of Lind, and Mrs. G. B. Fast of Ritzville; 16 grandchildren and one greatgrandchild. Four children preceded her in death. Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, April 22, 1937, issueNoneRitzville Journal-Times, Thursday, April 29, 1937, issueCharles Minion Buried Tuesday Charles Minion, 69, Adams county pioneer who died last Sunday, was buried in theRitzville cemetery Tuesday morning following funeral services at the St. Mark's Episcopalchurch with the Rev. T. A. Daughters officiating. Mr. Minion had been bedridden for the past four months. Death was due to a paralyticstroke. He died at 12:15 a.m. Sunday. Charles Henry Minion was born in Bloomfield, Iowa, July 25, 1867, and came toWashington when a boy, settling near Lind. He lived near Lind many years and moved nearRitzville only recently. Besides his widow, Carrie, he is survived by two sons, Charles, Ritzville; and William Lyle, The Dalles, Ore.; and a sister, Mrs. John Heritage, Anatone, Wash.Last Rites Held For Mrs. Schafer Funeral services for Mrs. Anna E. Schafer, 77, resident of Ritzville for 46 yearswho died Monday, were held Wednesday afternoon at the Philadelphia Congregational churchwith the Rev. H. Nuetzmann officiating. Burial was in the Ritzville cemetery. Mrs. Schafer had been ill for several years prior to her death. Her husband diedeight years ago. Anna Elizabeth Schafer, nee Dewald, was born July 31, 1859, in Hussenbach, Russia,and came to this country in 1878 with her parents, settling in Hastings, Neb. She wasunited in marriage with Conrad Schafer in 1879. They lived in Culbertson, Neb., for twoyears, when they came to Washington and finally settled in Ritzville in 1891. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Henry Oestreich, Ritzville, and four sons,Joe, Conrad, Henry and Elmer, all of Ritzville; 25 grandchildren, and four great grandchildren.Two children preceded her in death.Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, May 6, 1937, issueFather of Mrs. J. H. Newland Dies Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Pohl and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Newland and Mr. and Mrs. RobertNewland and Mrs. Esther Truax attended the funeral of George Mudgett, father of Mrs. J. H. Newland, in Spokane Monday. Mr. Mudgett died Friday in Spokane. He was over 80 years old and played an importantpart in the early history of Spokane county. He was county treasurer for eight years.Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, May 13, 1937, issueNoneRitzville Journal-Times, Thursday, May 20, 1937, issueWilliam DeSpain Dies In Ritzville William "Billy" DeSpain, famous pioneer of Adams county, died yesterday afternoon at1:30 p.m. at the Ed Allen home here, following a long illness that resulted from a paralyticstroke some time ago. Full details of his life will not be available until next week when his son arrivesto make funeral arrangements. Funeral services for Mr. DeSpain will be held Friday afternoon at 2 p.m. at theMethodist Episcopal church.Crash Injuries Fatal To Guest OTHELLO - John L. Guest, injured April 25 in an automobile wreck between Othello andCunningham, died yesterday in the Pasco hospital. He had been seriously ill for over two weeks. He is survived by his wife, sons, Donald,Paul and Lonny and Dick.Hold Rites For Gottlief Gross Funeral services for Gottlief Gross, 49, pioneer farmer of the Ralston area who diedlast Saturday, were held Tuesday at the Ralston Congregational church with the Rev. HenryHoersch officiating. Gottlief Gross was born in Russia Oct. 3, 1887, and came to this country 35 yearsago, settling near Ralston. Besides his widow, he is survived by his father, John Gross; five daughters, Mrs. Elsie Billings, Enumclaw; Dena, Amanda, Ruth and Freda, all at home; and a son, Jacob at home.Fred Wolfinger Dies At Benge Funeral services for Fred Wolfinger, 72, Benge farmer who died last Thursday, wereheld Saturday at the Methodist Episcopal church in Winona with burial in the Winona cemetery. Mr. Wolfinger had been in ill health for some time and his death was due to a heartattack. He died at his home near Benge. Fred Wolfinger was born in Germany June 29, 1864, and came to this country at an earlyage. He lived in Alaska for some time and has been a resident of Adams county 21 years. He is survived by two brothers, Albert, of Loveland, Col., and Will of Kansas; anda sister, Mrs. Bertha Honn, Benge.Russell Harmon Is Killed On 'Cycle BENGE - A great shock came to this community Monday when Pete Harmon received amessage saying his brother, Russell Harmon, had been killed in a motorcycle accident nearCoeur d'Alene Sunday.Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, May 27, 1937, issueMrs. Sarah James Dies In Yakima Mrs. Sarah J. James was buried in the Ritzville cemetery Saturday afternoon followingfuneral services at the Methodist Episcopal church with the Rev. R. D. Decker officiating. Mrs. James is a former resident of Ritzville but lived in Yakima at the time of herdeath. Death was caused by cancer. She was 74 years old at the time of her death. She is survived by six sons.'Billy' DeSpain Is Buried Here Funeral services for William DeSpain, 81, Ritzville pioneer who died Wednesday oflast week, were held Friday at the Methodist Episcopal church with the Rev. R. D. Deckerofficiating. Burial was in the Ritzville cemetery. The story of Mr. DeSpain's life reads like a chapter out of a high school historybook. He fought in Indian wars, herded sheep, sold horses and did everything else that fellon a pioneer's lot. He was born in 1856 at Bush Creek, Ore., and came to Washington in 1882. While stilla young man, he fought in the last Indian wars in Oregon around Pendleton. Entering Washington he was engaged in the sheep business for a while and later inthe horse business in Lincoln county. After going out of the horse business, he came toRitzville and entered the draying business. At one time he was deputy sheriff under GeorgeMcCollom and was later city marshal. He is survived by two sons, O. L. DeSpain of Ephrata, and Harry of Chehalis; and one daughter, Clara, now living in Iowa.Mrs. August Krause Dies In Wisconsin Mrs. August Krause, former Ritzville resident, died Saturday morning at Centralia,Wis., from a paralytic stroke.Joseph L. Lamb Buried Monday Funeral services were held Monday for Joseph Leroy Lamb, 40, at the Methodist Episcopalchurch with the Rev. R. D. Decker officiating. Burial was in the Ritzville cemetery. Mr. Lamb died Friday at his home near Schragg, following a long illness withtuberculosis. He had lived in Adams county for 36 years and farmed in western Adams county. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Joseph Lamb; two brothers, Irvin and Lester, athome; and a sister, Mrs. Mabel Bartholomew of California.Last Rites Held For John Guest OTHELLO - Funeral services for John L. Guest, who died recently from automobileaccident injuries, were held Saturday afternoon at the Presbyterian church here. The bodywas shipped to Spokane following the services, for cremation. Mr. Guest was employed as car foreman in the Milwaukee's Othello yards. A largenumber of friends and fellow employees attended the funeral. Besides his widow, he is survived by four sons, seven sisters, a brother and manyfriends. Relatives from California and Montana attended the funeral.Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, June 3, 1937, issueLeroy Burkhart of 'Tucna Buried Here Graveside funeral services for Leroy G. Burkhart, 57, Washtucna barber, were heldthis afternoon at the Ritzville cemetery with the Rev. Richard Decker officiating. Mr. Burkhart died this morning at the Ed Allen infirmary here. He had been in illhealth for some time. Leroy Garfield Burkhart was born in Kansas July 23, 1879, and had lived in Adamscounty about 30 years. He is survived by a son, Gordon, of Moscow, Ida., and his brother,Archie, at Washtucna.Mrs. Augusta Krause Mrs. Augusta M. Krause, aged 78 years, died at the home of her son, Frank Ullrich,in Sun Prairie, Wis., after suffering a stroke on Thursday morning. Augusta Marie Hartwig was born in Germany April 11, 1859. She emigrated to thiscountry with her parents at the age of 16. In 1885 she was united in marriage with Ulrich Ullrich. This union was blessed withone son, Frank. In 1893 the husband and father passed away. She was united in marriage with August Krause of Ritzville, in 1909, where she resided until his death in 1932. She then returned to Sun Prairie and made her home withher son. One brother, Charles, preceded her in death in 1895. She is survived by her son,Frank, of Sun Prairie and one brother, August, of Madison, three grandchildren, (Sylvia)Mrs. Ben Blaska, Marshall, Phyllis and Martha Marion Ullrich; and two great grandchildren. Funeral services were held Monday from the Jones and Tuschen funeral home andfrom the First Methodist church of which she had been a faithful member all her life. Theservices were conducted by the Rev. Roy P. Steen and the Rev. H. L. Woehl of Oconowoc, whowas her pastor during her residence at Washington. Burial was at Sun Prairie, in the villagecemetery.Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, June 10, 1937, issueDewitt Durland Will Be Buried Tomorrow Funeral services for Dewitt Durland 65, Odessa pioneer who died Tuesday at his home,will be held Friday at 2 p.m. in Odessa with services conducted by the Masonic lodge. A short graveside service will be conducted by the I.O.O.F. lodge at the Odessacemetery.Brother's Death Call Charles Actor Charles Actor was called to Starbuck Monday by the death of his brother, Lester, whodied Sunday night at Medical Lake after a three-week's illness. Funeral services for Lester Actor will be held Friday at 2 p.m. in Waitsburg. Heoperated a service station at Dayton until three weeks ago when he became seriously ill.The exact cause of his death is not known. Mrs. Actor accompanied her husband to Starbuck.Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, June 17, 1937, issueNoneRitzville Journal-Times, Thursday, June 24, 1937, issueHold Last Rites For Mrs. Morris Funeral services for Mrs. Sarah Belle Morris, 80, pioneer who died here Sunday, wereheld Tuesday afternoon at the Methodist Episcopal church with the Rev. Richard Deckerofficiating. Burial was in the Ritzville cemetery. Mrs. Morris had been ill for some time. Mrs. Sarah Belle Galbreath Morris was a pioneer of the covered wagon days, whoseearly memories included her father's visits on furlough from General Grant's army. She wasborn at Macomb, Ill., May 25, 1867. She came to Adams county shortly before Washington became a state, settling with herhusband, Albert R. Morris, on a homestead near Ritzville, where she lived nearly 20 years. The last 30 years of her life were spent in Ritzville. As a tribute to her loyal workand patriotic interest, the Women's Relief Corps directed the funeral. Besides her widower, Mrs. Morris is survived by two children, John Morris of Valley,Wash., and Mabel James of Ritzville; one sister, Mrs. M. L. Marcy, Grants Pass, Ore.; twobrothers, Charles Galbreath, Ritzville, and William Galbreath, Spokane; 10 grandchildren and14 great-grandchildren.Road Laborer Dies From Burns Edwin P. Williams, workman at the L. Romano construction camp, died recently in aSpokane hospital from burns he received when an old bus in which he was sleeping burned atthe road camp east of Ritzville May 14. Funeral services for Williams were held Tuesday, June 8, in Spokane. He is survived byhis mother, Mrs. Carl Boatsman, Spokane; his father, R. E. Williams, Boise, Ida., and a sister,Ruby Williams, Spokane.
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» She Was United In Marriage With August Krause Of Ritzville
She Was United In Marriage With August Krause Of Ritzville
USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Sue Gardner Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, April 1, 1937, issueNoneRitzville Journal-Times, Thursday, April 8, 1937, issueNoneRitzville Journal-Times, Thursday, April 15, 1937, issueMrs. Eckhardt Dies Saturday Funeral services for Katherine Marguerite Eckhardt, 79, who died last Saturday,were held at the Philadelphia Congregational church Tuesday afternoon, with the Rev. H.Nuetzmann officiating. A resident of Ritzville since 1915, Mrs. Eckhardt was born in Kammerzell, inFrank, Russia. In 1876 she married Jakob Eckhardt and the family migrated to America in1891, making their home in Walla Walla. In 1898 they came to Ritzville and settled on afarm northwest of town. They have made their home in Ritzville since 1915. Mrs. Eckhardt had not been well for many years, and had gradually grown weaker sinceher last operation. She is survived by her husband; two sons, Carl and Jakob of Ritzville; two daughters,Mrs. John Miller of Lind, and Mrs. G. B. Fast of Ritzville; 16 grandchildren and one greatgrandchild. Four children preceded her in death. Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, April 22, 1937, issueNoneRitzville Journal-Times, Thursday, April 29, 1937, issueCharles Minion Buried Tuesday Charles Minion, 69, Adams county pioneer who died last Sunday, was buried in theRitzville cemetery Tuesday morning following funeral services at the St. Mark's Episcopalchurch with the Rev. T. A. Daughters officiating. Mr. Minion had been bedridden for the past four months. Death was due to a paralyticstroke. He died at 12:15 a.m. Sunday. Charles Henry Minion was born in Bloomfield, Iowa, July 25, 1867, and came toWashington when a boy, settling near Lind. He lived near Lind many years and moved nearRitzville only recently. Besides his widow, Carrie, he is survived by two sons, Charles, Ritzville; and William Lyle, The Dalles, Ore.; and a sister, Mrs. John Heritage, Anatone, Wash.Last Rites Held For Mrs. Schafer Funeral services for Mrs. Anna E. Schafer, 77, resident of Ritzville for 46 yearswho died Monday, were held Wednesday afternoon at the Philadelphia Congregational churchwith the Rev. H. Nuetzmann officiating. Burial was in the Ritzville cemetery. Mrs. Schafer had been ill for several years prior to her death. Her husband diedeight years ago. Anna Elizabeth Schafer, nee Dewald, was born July 31, 1859, in Hussenbach, Russia,and came to this country in 1878 with her parents, settling in Hastings, Neb. She wasunited in marriage with Conrad Schafer in 1879. They lived in Culbertson, Neb., for twoyears, when they came to Washington and finally settled in Ritzville in 1891. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Henry Oestreich, Ritzville, and four sons,Joe, Conrad, Henry and Elmer, all of Ritzville; 25 grandchildren, and four great grandchildren.Two children preceded her in death.Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, May 6, 1937, issueFather of Mrs. J. H. Newland Dies Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Pohl and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Newland and Mr. and Mrs. RobertNewland and Mrs. Esther Truax attended the funeral of George Mudgett, father of Mrs. J. H. Newland, in Spokane Monday. Mr. Mudgett died Friday in Spokane. He was over 80 years old and played an importantpart in the early history of Spokane county. He was county treasurer for eight years.Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, May 13, 1937, issueNoneRitzville Journal-Times, Thursday, May 20, 1937, issueWilliam DeSpain Dies In Ritzville William "Billy" DeSpain, famous pioneer of Adams county, died yesterday afternoon at1:30 p.m. at the Ed Allen home here, following a long illness that resulted from a paralyticstroke some time ago. Full details of his life will not be available until next week when his son arrivesto make funeral arrangements. Funeral services for Mr. DeSpain will be held Friday afternoon at 2 p.m. at theMethodist Episcopal church.Crash Injuries Fatal To Guest OTHELLO - John L. Guest, injured April 25 in an automobile wreck between Othello andCunningham, died yesterday in the Pasco hospital. He had been seriously ill for over two weeks. He is survived by his wife, sons, Donald,Paul and Lonny and Dick.Hold Rites For Gottlief Gross Funeral services for Gottlief Gross, 49, pioneer farmer of the Ralston area who diedlast Saturday, were held Tuesday at the Ralston Congregational church with the Rev. HenryHoersch officiating. Gottlief Gross was born in Russia Oct. 3, 1887, and came to this country 35 yearsago, settling near Ralston. Besides his widow, he is survived by his father, John Gross; five daughters, Mrs. Elsie Billings, Enumclaw; Dena, Amanda, Ruth and Freda, all at home; and a son, Jacob at home.Fred Wolfinger Dies At Benge Funeral services for Fred Wolfinger, 72, Benge farmer who died last Thursday, wereheld Saturday at the Methodist Episcopal church in Winona with burial in the Winona cemetery. Mr. Wolfinger had been in ill health for some time and his death was due to a heartattack. He died at his home near Benge. Fred Wolfinger was born in Germany June 29, 1864, and came to this country at an earlyage. He lived in Alaska for some time and has been a resident of Adams county 21 years. He is survived by two brothers, Albert, of Loveland, Col., and Will of Kansas; anda sister, Mrs. Bertha Honn, Benge.Russell Harmon Is Killed On 'Cycle BENGE - A great shock came to this community Monday when Pete Harmon received amessage saying his brother, Russell Harmon, had been killed in a motorcycle accident nearCoeur d'Alene Sunday.Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, May 27, 1937, issueMrs. Sarah James Dies In Yakima Mrs. Sarah J. James was buried in the Ritzville cemetery Saturday afternoon followingfuneral services at the Methodist Episcopal church with the Rev. R. D. Decker officiating. Mrs. James is a former resident of Ritzville but lived in Yakima at the time of herdeath. Death was caused by cancer. She was 74 years old at the time of her death. She is survived by six sons.'Billy' DeSpain Is Buried Here Funeral services for William DeSpain, 81, Ritzville pioneer who died Wednesday oflast week, were held Friday at the Methodist Episcopal church with the Rev. R. D. Deckerofficiating. Burial was in the Ritzville cemetery. The story of Mr. DeSpain's life reads like a chapter out of a high school historybook. He fought in Indian wars, herded sheep, sold horses and did everything else that fellon a pioneer's lot. He was born in 1856 at Bush Creek, Ore., and came to Washington in 1882. While stilla young man, he fought in the last Indian wars in Oregon around Pendleton. Entering Washington he was engaged in the sheep business for a while and later inthe horse business in Lincoln county. After going out of the horse business, he came toRitzville and entered the draying business. At one time he was deputy sheriff under GeorgeMcCollom and was later city marshal. He is survived by two sons, O. L. DeSpain of Ephrata, and Harry of Chehalis; and one daughter, Clara, now living in Iowa.Mrs. August Krause Dies In Wisconsin Mrs. August Krause, former Ritzville resident, died Saturday morning at Centralia,Wis., from a paralytic stroke.Joseph L. Lamb Buried Monday Funeral services were held Monday for Joseph Leroy Lamb, 40, at the Methodist Episcopalchurch with the Rev. R. D. Decker officiating. Burial was in the Ritzville cemetery. Mr. Lamb died Friday at his home near Schragg, following a long illness withtuberculosis. He had lived in Adams county for 36 years and farmed in western Adams county. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Joseph Lamb; two brothers, Irvin and Lester, athome; and a sister, Mrs. Mabel Bartholomew of California.Last Rites Held For John Guest OTHELLO - Funeral services for John L. Guest, who died recently from automobileaccident injuries, were held Saturday afternoon at the Presbyterian church here. The bodywas shipped to Spokane following the services, for cremation. Mr. Guest was employed as car foreman in the Milwaukee's Othello yards. A largenumber of friends and fellow employees attended the funeral. Besides his widow, he is survived by four sons, seven sisters, a brother and manyfriends. Relatives from California and Montana attended the funeral.Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, June 3, 1937, issueLeroy Burkhart of 'Tucna Buried Here Graveside funeral services for Leroy G. Burkhart, 57, Washtucna barber, were heldthis afternoon at the Ritzville cemetery with the Rev. Richard Decker officiating. Mr. Burkhart died this morning at the Ed Allen infirmary here. He had been in illhealth for some time. Leroy Garfield Burkhart was born in Kansas July 23, 1879, and had lived in Adamscounty about 30 years. He is survived by a son, Gordon, of Moscow, Ida., and his brother,Archie, at Washtucna.Mrs. Augusta Krause Mrs. Augusta M. Krause, aged 78 years, died at the home of her son, Frank Ullrich,in Sun Prairie, Wis., after suffering a stroke on Thursday morning. Augusta Marie Hartwig was born in Germany April 11, 1859. She emigrated to thiscountry with her parents at the age of 16. In 1885 she was united in marriage with Ulrich Ullrich. This union was blessed withone son, Frank. In 1893 the husband and father passed away. She was united in marriage with August Krause of Ritzville, in 1909, where she resided until his death in 1932. She then returned to Sun Prairie and made her home withher son. One brother, Charles, preceded her in death in 1895. She is survived by her son,Frank, of Sun Prairie and one brother, August, of Madison, three grandchildren, (Sylvia)Mrs. Ben Blaska, Marshall, Phyllis and Martha Marion Ullrich; and two great grandchildren. Funeral services were held Monday from the Jones and Tuschen funeral home andfrom the First Methodist church of which she had been a faithful member all her life. Theservices were conducted by the Rev. Roy P. Steen and the Rev. H. L. Woehl of Oconowoc, whowas her pastor during her residence at Washington. Burial was at Sun Prairie, in the villagecemetery.Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, June 10, 1937, issueDewitt Durland Will Be Buried Tomorrow Funeral services for Dewitt Durland 65, Odessa pioneer who died Tuesday at his home,will be held Friday at 2 p.m. in Odessa with services conducted by the Masonic lodge. A short graveside service will be conducted by the I.O.O.F. lodge at the Odessacemetery.Brother's Death Call Charles Actor Charles Actor was called to Starbuck Monday by the death of his brother, Lester, whodied Sunday night at Medical Lake after a three-week's illness. Funeral services for Lester Actor will be held Friday at 2 p.m. in Waitsburg. Heoperated a service station at Dayton until three weeks ago when he became seriously ill.The exact cause of his death is not known. Mrs. Actor accompanied her husband to Starbuck.Ritzville Journal-Times, Thursday, June 17, 1937, issueNoneRitzville Journal-Times, Thursday, June 24, 1937, issueHold Last Rites For Mrs. Morris Funeral services for Mrs. Sarah Belle Morris, 80, pioneer who died here Sunday, wereheld Tuesday afternoon at the Methodist Episcopal church with the Rev. Richard Deckerofficiating. Burial was in the Ritzville cemetery. Mrs. Morris had been ill for some time. Mrs. Sarah Belle Galbreath Morris was a pioneer of the covered wagon days, whoseearly memories included her father's visits on furlough from General Grant's army. She wasborn at Macomb, Ill., May 25, 1867. She came to Adams county shortly before Washington became a state, settling with herhusband, Albert R. Morris, on a homestead near Ritzville, where she lived nearly 20 years. The last 30 years of her life were spent in Ritzville. As a tribute to her loyal workand patriotic interest, the Women's Relief Corps directed the funeral. Besides her widower, Mrs. Morris is survived by two children, John Morris of Valley,Wash., and Mabel James of Ritzville; one sister, Mrs. M. L. Marcy, Grants Pass, Ore.; twobrothers, Charles Galbreath, Ritzville, and William Galbreath, Spokane; 10 grandchildren and14 great-grandchildren.Road Laborer Dies From Burns Edwin P. Williams, workman at the L. Romano construction camp, died recently in aSpokane hospital from burns he received when an old bus in which he was sleeping burned atthe road camp east of Ritzville May 14. Funeral services for Williams were held Tuesday, June 8, in Spokane. He is survived byhis mother, Mrs. Carl Boatsman, Spokane; his father, R. E. Williams, Boise, Ida., and a sister,Ruby Williams, Spokane.
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