Author: Davy Daniels How can leadership liberate and enable employees Leadership and employees. Eight tips for success Each employee brings a unique set of gifts to an organisation and the role of leadership is to liberate and enable these gifts. How can leadership liberate and enable these? 1.Communicate effectively. Leaders must make sure the team has clearly defined goals and that those goals align with the overall vision, goals and objectives of the company. People need the stimulation of human communication, particularly in times of change, challenge and uncertainty. What is needed for leadership is to communicate the vision and that involves face to face contact sessions, dialogue and opportunity for people to meet and discuss the key issues. Knowing the companys vision, objectives, and goals will allow the leader and the team to develop strategies that will differentiate their product or service from others and provide them with a competitive advantage. 2.Persuade employees to action. Set clear goals and show to employees the benefits the company and they will get for their action. Leadership must support them to get those widgets built, sold and delivered. 3.Release the potential of the people. Any organization contains an incredible amount of human talent, most of which lays undeveloped. It is leadership responsibility to unlock this human potential and engage peoples brains rather than stifling their attempts at being creative in how they go about their work. 4.Reward a great job. Leadership is needed not only to help the team member to feel better about their job, but to feel more supportive of their mates work. Leadership needs to roll up the sleeves and get to the front line to see the action that causes the results. 5.Be observant and listen. The leadership must be observant and listen between the lines of the words the employees are saying. Lack of communication can be a big problem in the workplace. 6.Support their needs. If a person on your team asks for a piece of equipment, a resource, or additional training dont always make them defend. It will kill morale. If it seems remotely helpful to them, get it. It will let them know you trust them and want to be supportive. 7.Trust to be trusted. Trust is an important element of good leadership so as to create a team spirit and to unleash the creativity of the employees. It is something that is very hard to earn and very easy to lose. Leadership must trust the team members and they will trust you. Without trust suspiciousness arises and any attempt for creativity is ineffectual. 8.Create understanding. In any change programme, it is vital that everyone involved knows and understands the reasons behind the change. So often the news of the change and the reasons behind it are spread by rumour and speculation What is needed is a process whereby everyone is informed about the reasons for the change so that understanding is created through the organisation at all levels. Strategy Management and Commmunication Consulting Services Fish! A Remarkable Way to Boost Morale and Improve Results: Boost it Now ! About the author: To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit: Work At Home
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