Friday, March 21, 2014

Guys Who Like Fat Chicks

Guys Who Like Fat Chicks
"Guys Who Like Fat Chicks"Warning the above article has some risque language.I have written about the fat admirers before..."Chubby Chasers Give Me the Willies!" This article seems to back up what I said. Seeing women like in one giant meat-market as a bunch of body parts..."ENTRIES HAPPILY, RAVENOUSLY, ROBUSTLY REFERENCED DOUBLE BELLIES, BACK ROLLS, AND "BIG OLD HAM THIGHS." FEMININE BODY SHAPES WERE COMPARED TO PEARS, APPLES, AND ONE CALABASH SQUASH; THEIR WEIGHTS SPANNED FROM 180 POUNDS TO OVER 500."andIn person at the East Village's Cafe Orlin, Dan explains that, yes, he likes round bellies. He likes double chins. He likes breasts the size of his head. He loves flabby biceps. "Fat upper arms are awesome. I would almost say I'm an arms guy," he says, not by any means whispering. "I didn't know that they would be that soft. I, like, fell asleep on a girl's arm once. I was like, 'Wow.' "Excuse me, if I feel a bit creeped out. Maybe I am old fashioned, no let me say this, I AM old fashioned, some of you probably would think I belong back in 1880, and that's just fine with me! I read that and think- "look's like the "body is everything" stuff got to the fat people", and these skinny guys who are interested in dating them. Hey there is a person in there!OK, I get that people are attracted to certain things, and to be with someone you want does take some chemistry, but it shouldn't mean everything. Relationships have to go beyond just a body that attracts you in the room, there has to be some personality and mental interest...remember the soul? Oh yeah, it's like they forgot about that!This weird labeling of fat admiration, like other sexual categories is just odd."FAT ADMIRERS (FA) HAVE HISTORICALLY ADOPTED QUEER NOMENCLATURE FOR THEIR SELF-DISCOVERY STAGES AND PREFERENCES. MEN WHO OPENLY PURSUE, PREFER, AND DATE FAT WOMEN ARE "OUT." MEN WHO LIKE FAT WOMEN BUT MORE OR LESS HIDE THEM FROM FRIENDS AND FAMILY ARE "CLOSETED." MEN WHO SAY THEY LIKE BOTH SKINNY AND SUPERSIZE WOMEN ONES ARE "BISIZUALS," A CONTROVERSIAL TERM THAT'S REGARDED AS DISINGENUOUS IN VARIOUS ONLINE CIRCLES."I never heard of "bisizuals" guess you learn something new everyday. The ones who hide their heavier girlfriends, are brainwashed by society and lack courage, and that lady should run not walk from such a relationship.The article goes on to list "misconceptions" about the chubby chasers, LOL I think the writer would see ME as holding a few...but then I wrote from what I saw...perhaps not all the men take it as far as others but I'll stand by what I wrote in the other article.This sentence is telling..."NOPE. LAWRENCE, WHO SOMETIMES FANTASIZES ABOUT A 550-POUND WIFE, THINKS THE SMALLEST HE COULD GO WOULD BE 180 POUNDS, THOUGH THAT VEERS INTO BISIZUALISM."Who wants to just be a fantasy? Not me. I wonder if he realizes that a 550lb wife means he would be having to do a lot of errands, and helping take care of her? Maybe that's why he knows he has to go smaller, in facing reality.The rest of the article goes on. I am glad that fat women, can get boyfriends. Why should men only date the skinny minnies? BUT PART OF ME CRINGES THAT THAT JUST THE ACT OF DATING SOMEONE WHO IS HEAVY, EARNS YOU A SPECIAL NAME AND SUBCULTURE AND ALMOST A METAL! IT SEEMS TO ME FAT WOMEN GOT HUSBANDS EVEN 50 PLUS YEARS AGO, AND THEY DIDN'T HAVE TO GO TO A NAAFA MEETING TO FIND ONE EITHER.Fat people deserve love too, but there is a lot of weird baggage and debauchery that goes with the fat admirer world. One thing I want to ask is how come it's always skinny dudes going with the fat women? That is one weird thing, I guess if some guy is over 230lbs, he is fat too and not a fat admirer.When I was younger and even at my severe high weights, I did get hit on, would just say "I am married, thanks but no thanks", and walk on. So I know these guys are out there, whatever their intentions were towards me. I was spoken for pretty young--by 25, and married by 29, and spent the majority of my 20s midsized before my weight gain, so the whole fat admirer thing didn't really register on my radar til after I was attached. I'm glad I didn't have to go swim in that slimy pond for a mate.


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