* Profit in the Face of Global Meltdown - Top 4 Stocks * With disasters striking globally, including a potential pending food crisis, it's critical to ensure your wealth and family are protected. Ensure you're safe and still profiting with these under-the-radar opportunities. Discover them now in this FREE report.
In this new wave of technology, you can't do it all yourself; you have to form alliances. - Carlos Slim Helu
OK, let's heat up the cold-calling debate. Is everyone a salesman? Yes! Do most people have to make cold calls at some point? Yes! Do most people hate to make cold calls? Yes! So, you have two choices; either hire someone (a professional telemarketer) or do it yourself. If you have the budget the hire someone, great! If not, read on. To be a successful cold-caller you need the following in your toolbox; an understanding of what constitutes a cold-call, a list of qualified people to call, an understanding of the "numbers", a notepad, pens, scripts (at least 3), a calendar, a tracking system, a personal performance tracker, a mirror, relevant reference materials, the right attitude, hands free headset, a commitment, a smile, a schedule, the right questions, a bullet-proof rejection shield, an automatic objection response generator, a clearly defined goal, and the knowledge of your purpose. Let's review each one in detail. TOOL 1 - AN UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT CONSTITUTES A "COLD-CALL" A cold-call is simply an outbound call made to someone you have never spoken with before. It is not a referral. That's a warm call. It is not any inbound call, even if that's your first contact. An inbound call is a blessing because someone wants to speak with you. Cold calls are often impersonal and must be made "personal" as soon as possible. TOOL 2 - A LIST OF QUALIFIED PEOPLE TO CALL If you are not calling qualified leads then you might as well get out the yellow pages and start dialing. Hitting qualified people boosts your close rate dramatically and eliminates wasted time. Invest your time in qualifying before calling. You will still have to further qualify the prospect once on the phone. It would be ridiculous if you offer enterprise-sized solutions and called a small business. Even if the person wants to buy, you would have nothing to sell. TOOL 3 - AN UNDERSTANDING OF THE "NUMBERS" OK, we all know it's a numbers game. So, determine what the "superstar" ratio is and work towards beating that figure. Establish where you are now in terms of success and you know how far you need to go. What, you don't have a clue how many calls to make? Ok, try 40 - 60 a day. For example; you place 60 calls resulting in 20 responses, resulting in 5 decision makers reached, resulting in 1 presentation. Assuming you close 1 sale for every 3 presentations, you will have made 180 calls over three days. Your numbers may vary but it's all numbers. TOOLS 4 visual, auditory or kinetic. They tell us their channel by saying things like "I see what you mean", "I hear what you're saying", "this feels right to me". Also, listen for buzzword terminology and play them back. Say someone says "I'd like to take this step-by-step" you could respond later in the conversation with something like "let me walk (if kinetic) you through this step-by-step". This is powerful stuff! Better yet, it works! TOOL 6 - SCRIPTS Call them notes if you don't like the term scripts. But, have at least three of them; the First Contact, Follow Up, and Close. Scriptwriting is an art but there are some definite guidelines you can follow. Make sure you are using scripts that are proven to work. For example, the First Contact script must include; an introduction, purpose of call, caring for the individual, a number of close-ended questions to ensure you have a decision-maker, probing questions, value statements, action, and close. You can see a lot is involved so make sure you get it right. Need help with your scripts? Get it! It's that important. Don't know where? Contact me! TOOL 7 - A CALENDAR Finally, an easy one. You need an electronic or paper calendar for reverence. Ties in with Tool 8. TOOL 8 - A TRACKING SYSTEM ACT, Goldmine, Daytimer, make one up, etc, whatever works for you but you must have a way to track every activity. TOOL 9 - A PERSONAL PERFORMANCE TRACKER This is part of Tool 8 if using automated systems like ACT or Goldmine. Whether you are or not, a personal performance tracker keeps tabs on the statistics, the "numbers". This way you will know how many calls, how many people you reached, etc. It also records your comments such as; how far you got, problems you encountered, notes for improvement, etc. This is an indispensable tool for success. TOOL 10 - A MIRROR You simply need to watch your facial expressions making sure you are positive, energetic, and upbeat. It also gives you a way to make sure you are using Tool 15. TOOL 11 - RELEVANT REFERENCE MATERIALS You will probably need directories and lists of some sort however compiled. Make sure you have those references always handy. TOOL 12 - THE RIGHT ATTITUDE What is your "AQ" or Attitude Quotient? Without a positive mental attitude things that get you down, keep you down. For making cold-calls you need enthusiasm, you need to feel like a winner even when you are not, you need to exude self-confidence even when yours is low, you need to be excited and passionate about your product or service, and you need positive self-talk to carry you through the tougher moments. The more attitude qualities you have (or subsequently get), the better the results. When someone asks you how you are doing, you answer, "I'm Wired, Fired, and Inspired!" Or, as Attitude Expert Keith D. Harrell always answers "I am Super Fantastic!". Other's I know answer "I'm Taking It To The Next Level!", "Absolutely Outstanding!". You get the point, people, like "UP" people. TOOL 13 - HANDS-FREE HEADSET This should be a given but most salespeople I meet do not have a hands-free headset. A headset will liberate your hands for note taking, liberate your neck from pain (which can at times become debilitating), and liberate your body from your chair (that's right, stand up when you speak, you are clearer and have more passion and energy). Invest in quality! No one likes being on the receiving end of a crackling conversation. And finally, use it! Often those I see that actually have headsets don't use them. TOOL 14 - A COMMITMENT You must make a resolute commitment to get the job done. You must commit to using each of the "tools". You must commit to your success. Without a strong commitment you may renegotiate outcomes with yourself and not hit the peak of the mountain. TOOL 15 - A SMILE A smile is not only part of your positive attitude but it will make you feel better. Believe it or not, people on the other end of the receiver can "feel" your smile. Look in the mirror on your desk before making your call and smile. Force it if you must. Then dial the phone. Got someone on the line? Good! Look in the mirror again, smile and stand up. Then speak! This is guaranteed to boost your close rate. Big Time! TOOL 16 - A SCHEDULE One of your commitments is to your schedule. Each profile is different. For example: let's take someone who typically does not make outbound sales calls (cold-calling) but finds themselves in a situation where they now must. In that case, I suggest 2-4 hours a day, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 AM onwards. When you call before 9:00 AM your prospect often answers the phone themselves (rather than voicemail or an assistant). Most people are more receptive in the morning too. Whatever your level of attack, simply adjust the number of hours. It is critical that you stick to your schedule. TOOL 17 - THE RIGHT QUESTIONS You've got the prospect on the phone but what questions do you ask? Please refer to Tool 6 to get an idea. In addition, it is critical that the questions evoke truthful responses. Try and think of yourself in the prospects' position. What would you need to share with someone that would result in them returning value to you? With that, create the questions which will draw it out. TOOL 18 - A BULLET-PROOF REJECTION SHIELD Rejection is a reality of any sales process. Get used to it as quickly as possible. It is not you being rejected, it's what you offer. Imagine if every waiter or waitress took rejection personally whenever they offered a cup of coffee. They'd all quit! Most of us reject the server who offers us "an apple pie with that?" Do they quit? Of course not. In fact, they sell a lot of apple pies that would not otherwise be sold. Rejection isn't personal but it is part of the territory and of your success. Strive to get more "No's" than anyone else and you'll probably sell more than anyone else too. TOOL 19 - AN AUTOMATIC OBJECTION RESPONSE GENERATOR Simply put, know every possible objection beforehand and have an answer. Each time you get an objection you've never heard, write it down and review it later for a response. Trust me on this, every single objection you will ever hear will have been heard before by someone and can have a reasonable comeback. It's your job to be prepared. TOOL 20 - A CLEARLY DEFINED GOAL Some of you will say the last two tools should have come first. You're right. They are the most important tools in the toolbox. That's why I put them at the end, so as to have a lasting impression. Having a defined goal simply means how much and by when! Start with the end first. How much incremental profit do you need to make from these activities on a monthly basis? How long should that take? Given the "numbers" game, how many closed sales would that require monthly? To generate that level, how many meetings would be required? From that, determine how many calls per month, week and finally per day would be required. You then emerge with a roadmap for success. TOOL 21 - THE KNOWLEDGE OF YOUR PURPOSE And, the hands-down winner for the most import tool is knowing why you are jumping through all these hoops anyways. Without a clear knowledge of your purpose you will almost certainly quit. This is a simple process but by no means easy. The rewards are definitely worth the effort but you will be challenged often. Having a firm picture of your "why" will keep you on course. Don't know your purpose? I can help! Give me a call. The Wrap Up So, we're done, or are we? You have the tools for exceptional success. Now it's up to you to take them, pepper them with your personality and perform, perform, perform. ** TO COMMENT ON THIS ARTICLE OR TO READ COMMENTS ABOUT THIS ARTICLE, GO HERE. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Stephen Libman is a Corporate Performance Strategist specializing in human interaction. He generates improved customer service and higher performing staff. He discusses not so much the "what to's" and "how to's", but rather "what to be" and "why". As a Speaker and Business Strategist, Stephen consults with senior executives of performance-oriented organizations. Together, quality initiatives are conceived and developed. Results are distilled into communication strategies and systems. This yields a customized and teachable program that "WOW" customers and boosts performance. You can reach Stephen at (514) 696-2201 or by visiting his website at http://www.stephenlibman.com. * Profit in the Face of Global Meltdown - Top 4 Stocks * With disasters striking globally, including a potential pending food crisis, it's critical to ensure your wealth and family are protected. Ensure you're safe and still profiting with these under-the-radar opportunities. Discover them now in this FREE report.
Whilst the debate about financial education in schools continues, parents need not wait to teach their kids about money. Here are 7 things that every teen should know about money. Manage your money - Show your money who's boss by putting a money management system in place. Divide your income into separate jars, money boxes or bank accounts. Take a proportion and save it. Take another and allocate that for investing. Then work out how much you need to spend on essentials. From the remainder you can put some aside for fun and leisure. This simple system has several powerful principles, paying yourself first, creating a savings habit, being organized with your money and to spend less than you earn and invest the rest. Know the true cost of buying on credit. The availability of easy credit has become a part of society. Don't be tricked however into taking the short term view that the headline monthly payments are all matters. Buying an average car for example at 10% APR over 3 years could mean paying over 5000 extra. If that was the sticker price of the car then you may not be so keen to buy. Also consider that your circumstances may change, would you still want to be saddled with monthly debt repayments if you lost your job? Take control of your outgoings. The simple process of checking bank statements and credit card bills can ensure that you know where your money is going and can check for mistakes and anything suspicious. You may have unwanted direct debits which relate to cancelled agreements, such as gym memberships or cell phone insurance. If you track and classify your outgoings, you may find that you are spending hundreds of dollars on lunch and coffee which you could bring from home. Understand the financial realities of home ownership. For the majority buying a home is the biggest financial purchase of their lives. Many young people however are poorly equipped to understand the process or the numbers involved. It can be explained by imagining a dream home and then working backwards. With many lenders looking for a deposit of 20%, the prospective home owners need to first consider where they can obtain this and how long that might take. Then they can consider the amount of borrowing they can obtain, be that 3 or 4 times salary for example. Thirdly include the additional costs of insurance, utilities and council tax. For many young people this will be an important wake up call, which can have a dramatic effect on career and education choices. Develop multiple streams of income. All is not doom and gloom however, for the entrepreneurial minded there are an abundance of opportunities to make money either alongside or instead of a traditional career. A hobby or passionate interest can be translated into an income earning blog or website. Existing skills and talents can be taught to others at a fee, or new products and ideas brought to market. Long term, investments in the stock market or property have historically yielded good returns. All of which can combine to supplement or replace traditional earned income. Invest in your own education. For many, learning stops once they leave school, if not before! By continuing to learn whether its job related or developing new skills you become capable of bringing more value to the market and subsequently will receive more reward. Expect the best but prepare for the worst. When jobs are secure and house prices are rising it is easy to be lulled into a false sense of security. Many people released equity from the homes to cover consumer debt, secure in the knowledge that they could meet the monthly payments and maybe even reduce their outgoings in the short term. When the economic climate changed however there was a new reality. In uncertain times it is better to expect the best but prepare for the worst, by saving an emergency fund which could support you for several months if you lost your job. So too is insurance important, covering sickness or unemployment. Developing multiple streams of income as outlined about is another way of spreading the risk and not being over reliant on one source. These lessons are not only useful for teens, but for anyone who wants to manage their money more effectively and be better prepared for the future. ** TO COMMENT ON THIS ARTICLE OR TO READ COMMENTS ABOUT THIS ARTICLE, GO HERE. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Daniel Britton is an author, speaker and internationally known authority on financial literacy. His award winning series of Financial Literacy Books for Kids The Financial Fairy Tales introduces key money and success principles at a young age through fun and inspirational stories. For more information and free downloads for Money and Kids please visit our site: http://moneyandkids.net/ * Profit in the Face of Global Meltdown - Top 4 Stocks * With disasters striking globally, including a potential pending food crisis, it's critical to ensure your wealth and family are protected. Ensure you're safe and still profiting with these under-the-radar opportunities. Discover them now in this FREE report.
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