Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Psychology Help Or Self Help In Confidence Building

Psychology Help Or Self Help In Confidence Building
Self confidence is essential for success in life. Lack of self confidence can sometimes lead to failure. To do a work satisfactorily and successfully, self confidence is a must.

But, maybe you are worried about your acne, voice or body shape? Do you shun away from socializing due to your looks or dodge public speaking tasks because you fear what people might think about your voice?

Regardless of which you are far from alone in feeling inferior or inadequate as compared to other people because of your shortcomings. Insecurity is one of the most common afflictions in the world and it is therefore rarely viewed or understood as the problem it is. It can concern anything from performance to physical traits and can range from being mildly embarrassing to downright debilitating. Not unlike better recognized disorders it can also be relieved and even conquered entirely.

Although a number of approaches exist to these ends, they tend to fall into one of two departments whose main differences from one another rest on a single factor. The two camps are self-help and professional help, and the main distinction resides in how the former is pursued by a sole individual whereas the latter relies on a practitioner, usually a psychologist, to facilitate improvement.

Both focus on the individual's insecurities so as to help them deal with these constructively. Both also treat the issues as symptoms rather than independent problems, and attempt to prevent future outbreaks by encouraging the development of a mindset that is more resistant to confidence lows. Which, then, is the better option for an unconfident person who wishes for speedy improvement?

The answer could vary depending on the individual. Some might prefer the guidance of an expert on the topic, whereas others might do better on their own or simply prefer the self-help option out of financial reasons. However let's consider the choices not in terms of preferences or requirements but instead in terms of their actual efficiency.

Psychotherapeutic treatments are carried out by private practitioners world-wide and tend to focus on regular counseling sessions in which the individual's issues are discussed. Group therapy, exposure therapy and even hypnosis have also been applied to the subject and could feature into treatment of particularly severe confidence issues. Moreover medication could feature into the process, but it is unlikely to be used unless the confidence issues coexist with other disorders of psychological or physiological nature. Whether you go for the bare vanilla or the whole package you have a practitioner that keeps you on track and prevents you from suffering major setbacks.

The self-help approach is as readily available if you know where to look. Books, websites such as ours' and other sources provide insights into how confidence works as well as tips and tricks on how to go about building it over time. The obvious downside of this option is the lack of experienced support to guide or motivate you. Unless you ask for help from a friend or family member -- who by the way cannot be guaranteed to know how to best be of help to you -- you only have your sources and your own common sense to go by. Success might be bought at greater investments of time and effort to make up for the cheaper price.

Yet it is the toil and trouble that makes self-help the most sustainable alternative. While in theory psychotherapy is aimed at fashioning self-sufficiency in its patients, the psychologist's lead counteracts this intention by making the subject dependent on their guidance for dealing with confidence issues. If the issues were to return the patient would thus have to seek help once again.

Self-help, on the other hand, ensures heightened awareness of both the causes of insecurity and the methods to overcoming them. This effectively means that someone who has improved their confidence on their own are better equipped for dealing with future confidence lows. Moreover they probably feel pretty good about having successfully built up a sense of self-esteem single-handedly, which in turn would boost their new-found confidence to even further heights.



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