Highest guys, gone they look at a woman, and she looks back, what they do is they immediatly look to a different place. This is a low-status personality pattern wich is evidently built into you. But if you wanna come straddling as a strong, forward and entrancing guy, this is what you gotta do: Set aside the eye contact. Don't look to a different place first. It communicates that your not impressed by her and that you're a guy who goes a long time ago what he wants.
Don't just hold a inert ventilation either, give a small beam or that sexy look I discriminate you've authority in personality of the mirror. It helps. If you move from side to side at her or just say "Hi" to a hot girl your cruise on the street, it immediatly tells your not like every aged wussy guy out award.
The best example of this, wich is evidently very common to see, is gone a guy looks at a hot girl, she looks back, and he immediatly turns to a different place. He doubtless thinks to himself "damn did she just look at me?" and raises his leadership again to invoice. Moreover gone he realizes she's evidently was and still is looking at him he will look to a different place again immediatly. That comunicates that your a wuss, Twice as many. Your possibility with her is unquestionable blown, so don't do it.
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