Friday, July 2, 2010

Dating Mating Upon Age Of True Self Awakening Will People Still Couple Up

Dating Mating Upon Age Of True Self Awakening Will People Still Couple Up
Last night a long chat with a female friend who is in relationship with a partner who is not awake. She said its so hard to be with someone else while going through this process.

We debated as more people wakeup will they still couple up like done in the past we both concluded is no. Strongest feeling we both had about this topic is that people will not be dating and mating at all for a period of time. Because we are heading into age of true self awakening it is hard to do that process with someone else right now.

The more I awaken the less need within to be with someone else that desire is now gone. Happy being single its more fun growing consciousness into my true being and not worry about someone else beside me in bed.

I had this thing all of my life within me wanting to save everyone else but myself. It stressed me out so much in body and mind it made me sick and depressed for years. Now finally this year at a point within my higher self being to just give people the awakening tools with love energy and just let them be. Its too stressful to chase the people that dont want to wakeup and people have to save themselves its part of their learning journey upon awakening.



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