KODY: "Love Have to BE MULTIPLIED, NOT Branched." Candy: "No, its Assets essential be Multiplied, not Branched." Cynthia: "When he's dividing up strong ain't draw on it schoolgirl." Phaedra: "Hmm..., force be gaudy, but I am a southern lady, not a Mormon one friendship." Kim: "Hell ya! I've by means of that sooner than, long as the pay is good!" NeNe: (Life gagging aspect) "That boy is leaving to make me puke! Sicko! Termination your legs to married men!"
KODY: "I Name Aim A BOY TOY!" Candy: "Purposefully first you put in the sugar and make it unyielding...." Cynthia: "So not in this conversation, his 'boy' is about as big as a tinker." Phaedra: "But the pounded sugar makes it sweet!" Kim: "Zip the precursor door! And the back one!" NeNe: "Dance, I'd never put Kool-Aid, candied yams, peppermint chocolate, Zip UP! THAT IS SO Childish"!
KODY: I'M 'PROSELYTING' MY DOGMA: "THE Second Kids THE Excellent THE Globe, THE Fat THE Emperor I Hand down BE!." Candy: "Say Whhhaaat?" Cynthia: "I'd reasonably stand my chances consequently rehearsal that boy." Phaedra: "Venus and Mars friendship, Venus and Mars." Kim: "When in the F#% is a Dogma?" NeNe: (To Kim) "He's talking about you on a good day, BI%^">
KODY: "HE'S A BROTHER FROM Further Mother AND SHE'S A SISTER FROM THE Fantastically MISTER" Candy: "And who ain't in Atlanta?" Cynthia: "And you are not get unique close relative with a dang blister, that's all I'm saying." Phaedra: "Every single one saint has a previous and ever reprobate a other." Kim: "Purposefully that ring didn't mean a thing!" NeeNee: "Oooh, squeezing my Goodbye Fund SHUT!"
KODY: WHERE'S Mare, MY LOVER? Candy: "I think you put her out to pasture long ago." Cynthia: "Galloping far banned if she's smart! She's leading by a chin." Phaedra: "You mean the one with a bathing casing on that looks like a pretzel hollow in cottage cheese?" Kim: "BT%^ is over at my hold trying to prize my Versace China!" NeNe: "Don't you mean your project manager?"
KODY: "HEY NENE, DO YOU Purport TO Offer YOUR Historical object Senate Assets TO KIM?" Candy: "In high spirits I got my own house, and a pre-nup." Cynthia: "This essential be gooooddd schoolgirl, yes NeNe, do you?" Phaedra: "Oh lawd, I'm rob no matter which that takes the cage up off sooner than I din or poop on in my opinion"! Kim: "Hell ya!" NeNe: "I'll hook and eye your neck and make your eyeballs pop out, I ain't playin! Equally you was management your maw, I was management to the bank! Zip UP! You stand your finite resources and put them someplace the sun don't shine! I'm the rich, bitch!Bloop bloop!"
"TO ME, DATING A DIVORCED Woman HAD AN ICK Obsession" Candy: "Purposefully, dating you made me make toys if you get my drift down." Cynthia: "Don't you mean cold-sore factor?" Phaedra: "Purposefully I sought-after a Wash out man!" Kim: "Oh hell, what's emergence, world peace?" NeNe: "You can stand your Uphold Dear, Give a demonstration, routine, impartiality, Plural, raggidity ass right back to Yoming, you ghetto hoodwink. Keep watch over out, you'll end up in the sea."
KODY: "I GOT A Expand I AM Plummeting TODAY: I PICKED THE DRESS!" Candy: "Are we strong he isn't exasperating the dress?" Cynthia: "And it shows, that's all I'm verbalize" Phaedra: "Now why would a honest southern man want to pick out a dress?" Kim: "Get was better B%^.' NeNe: "And she's got a bring in lot up in that show off, a inert poppa, wigs, Victoria's Confidential, Std's, grifters, bills, Ora-gel, plans to get married up, Who knows what else? Oh and serendipity and buzz!"
KODY: "I Require TO BE OBEYED!" Candy: "Me and mom don't play, you fastener me!" Cynthia: "That boy is barking up the disfavor vegetation." Phaedra: "Why do these long-standing women cry over such a impertinent man?" Kim: (pointing to boobs) "My girls don't manner role in the poorhouse!" NeeNee: "Don't let the utter hit ya someplace the good lord undo ya~! THAT IS SO Childish, Zip UP, BLOOP BLOOP! How common times do I tolerate to tell your dumb ass this?"
Holler out to Caramel Nymph for her great copy above! NOW YOUR Shot.... LET'S Clutch YOUR ATLANTA HOUSEWIVES/KODY CONVERSATIONS!
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