Sunday, October 19, 2014

Four Questions To Help Shift Your Perspective

Four Questions To Help Shift Your Perspective
Sometimes we are so close to our problem that we can't form out what is at the search of it. We can't "see the wood give directions the grass" as it were. We can only see our problem and we are hooked, with no solutions. In order for us to gain take, we need to approach the problem differently.

In NLP (Neuro Linguistic Language) we particular a useful tool based on quantum linguistics. Quantum linguistics is the important use of the language and listening skills. We apply your mind to the temporal words and presuppositions people use to benefit them toward positive pose and happenings.

Cartesian logic is an model tool to use to slacken the grounds of someone's thinking and to help dance their take and open up new look good for them. It is precisely useful to use after you particular a decision to make.

Mathematical cartesian logic is based on geometry:

* A,B = Theorem
* -A,B = Move backward
* -A,-B = Non mirror image put money on
* A,-B = Render null and void

Ok, unsettling maths bit over! How do we application this in the real world?

These four questions can be sincerely useful in allocation us dance our take, help us make a decision and discover new look good to us.

* Whatsoever would make the grade if you did? (THEOREM)
* Whatsoever would make the grade if you didn't? (Render null and void)
* Whatsoever wouldn't make the grade if you did? (Move backward)
* Whatsoever wouldn't make the grade if you didn't? (NON Wonder about Plan Tip over)

Yes I recognize they scramble your attention a bitand that is the whole point! At whatever time we are lock up in to our problem, all we can see is the problem. At whatever time we change take next we can begin to see solutions and look good.

Taciturn and key

Try using the cartesian logic for a decision or problem you particular and see what new look good and solutions you can come up with - oh and particular fun!

Louise Wooded area



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