Sunday, June 19, 2011

Dating Advice For Men Safe But Sorry Article Infield Footage

Dating Advice For Men Safe But Sorry Article Infield Footage
Most guys leave a group way too early. The following video shows you how interactions can go well despite a bad start. Contrary to popular belief interactions don't necessarily need to start well to be successful. In this video you will exactly see what I am talking about.

Safe But Sorry

Most guys keep themselves safe, trying to avoid rejection at all costs when they approach women. Such caution may be counterproductive in the end. It may cause interactions to go stale and eventually end. When avoiding rejection becomes the center of your efforts, you are likely to hide your real self during the interaction causing you to appear suspicious and awkward to women.

Fear and Safety

Fear of making mistakes creates this effect of "testing the waters" before committing fully to an interaction. By testing the waters first you just assure yourself that everything is safe before you take any risks. However taking risks is the name of the game. No risks, no rewards.

Committing to Interactions

You must commit to interaction regardless. You must make your moves no matter what. This game is all about creating successful habits and sticking by them over long periods of time. You must commit to risk taking. You must commit to an interaction even when such interaction is not going "perfect" for you; even when your mind is telling you to move on. Remember that your mind's agenda is survival. Your mind wants you to keep safe but sorry. Safe doesn't work in the pickup game.

Signs You Are not Taking Enough Risks

1. You leave interactions early to find newer ones that look more promising

2. You talk to girls all night but don't seem to go anywhere with them

3. You haven't been rejected from a kiss close attempt in a long time

4. You haven't been rejected in a long time

5. You rather get a phone number that keep pushing the interaction forward

Any of these symptoms in your game can wreck your motivation long term to go out. If that's the case you need to take more risks when you talk to women.

There is nothing better to your risk taking than a bootcamp.

Oh yeah, that reminds me I haven't taken the time to mention Real Social Dynamics Bootcamps in London every weekend yet. I run those. At RSD, we like to think of ourselves as "doctors of game". We see a guy on life support, go in and operate, then put him in rehabilitation until he's ready to play at the top levels.

Think of it like this: if you had a brain tumor, you wouldn't go into your garage, get out some power tools and start drilling away at your skull, would you? I hope not.

So then why would you try to operate on your own game? It's true, it is possible to develop your game to the kind of levels we're talking about here on your own, but typically this takes YEARS of trial and error.

That's YEARS of brutal crash and burns. Years of rejections.

That's totally unnecessary. The RSD Executive Coaches endured that so you don't have to. We have literally DECADES of experience under our collective belt; experience that we will impart to YOU.

Learn more about RSD London Bootcamps by visiting our site:


Executive Coach

Real Social Dynamics


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