Saturday, February 26, 2011

Ask Relationship Experts Does She Like Me

Ask Relationship Experts Does She Like Me


"Me and a friend/co worker have been kinda flirty lately and i havent asked her out yet (guess you can say shes my crush). I'm gonna ask her out, just need some time when no ones around to do it, but one day I said something about another woman to a female co worker who started to say shes going to tell (my crushes name), but caught herself and when I asked what she said "oh nothing". Today I talked to "my crush" on FB and told her about a new co worker, she asked me if this new woman "is prettier than her?" I didnt know how to answer that so I said whats that supposed to mean? she replied Lmao I was kidding calm down. I guess I'm having a hard time reading these signals. Does she like me, taunting me, etc? Did she tell this other co worker she likes me, or knows I like her? help please?"

"- J (25, Chicago, IL)"

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