Monday, May 12, 2014

A New Take On Age And Online Dating Wait Til You Hear This

A New Take On Age And Online Dating Wait Til You Hear This
In my last post I discussed the issue of men rejecting women based solely on age and came to the conclusion that if a man is interested in a woman he would date her even if she was a bit older than his usual baseline. After speaking to more women after posting, I feel that I need to qualify my conclusion.

So here goes. If a man meets a woman "in person" and likes her, he will date her irrespective of a minor age difference. However, in the case of a blind date or online dating the situation is different -- most men will NOT date or search for a woman who is above their predetermined age limit.

That doesn't mean that there aren't exceptions. But as a general rule, men will not expand their online search beyond the age they've determined to be their upper limit.

But here's the thing that really surprised me: based on conversations I had with women in their twenties, it seems that lots of younger women have very strict age guidelines of their own which they scrupulously observe. Many of these women will not date men who are below the age of 30. The reasons might vary, but they probably revolve around the idea that younger men either aren't serious about relationship building and are just looking to have fun and "sow their wild oats" or that they aren't financially or emotionally secure enough for their liking. Fair enough.

So basically, the age discrimination factor applies to both men and women, albeit for different reasons. In any case it really sucks for the men and women unjustly caught in the age trap.

Is there a solution? Is there a way to get men to search for and date women older than their predetermined limit? Is there a way to get women to give guys who are younger than they'd like a chance to prove their seriousness and stability?

Other than dealing with the issue on a case by case basis, I can't think of a scalable solution that will cover the majority. Any suggestions?

The post A New Take on Age and Online Dating. Wait Til You Hear This! appeared first on Jzoog.



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