To feel good about our lives and the way it evolves we need to change two basic things: how we see ourselves and our personal responsibility over our lives! If we face ourselves with denial and if we have too high expectations then the more likely we will believe that we are unsuccessful, unhappy, ineffective, unfortunate, etc. If we do not take responsibility for our actions and if we do not fight to make our wishes come true, then we are bound to believe that we have no control over our lives and our achievements, that we are at the mercy of fate and that we will never be happy! So we are doomed - doomed to live a life, which we do not appreciate, we do not respect, do not feel proud about it, and of course... we do not want!How can we see ourselves with other eyes and take responsibility for our lives? How can we feel good about our lives and our achievements? How we can improve our confidence and self esteem? Starting from this moment you can follow these techniques that although seem simple can have tremendous impact on our psychology:FIND THE CAUSE OF THE PROBLEM!If something goes wrong in your life then ask yourself who is to blame, what you are doing wrong, what you can change, how can you learn more information to get a better picture, etc. Do not take anything for granted, and above all, do not take your life for granted! Question your behaviour, the methods you have learned to use, the way you think and operate, even question your values. Review your behaviour when you feel it is appropriate and do not sit back and hide behind the security of the current situation. The current situation is not necessarily the right thing for you. There are thousands of people who feel so much security in the current situation who do not dare to look to the (unknown) happiness! Do not become one of them. You need to have the courage to learn the truth and acknowledge your mistakes. You need courage to accept the imperfections and win the life that you want!DO NOT GIVE UP AND DO NOT GIVE UP ON YOUR LIFE!Even if this time your life is not as you want, do not be discouraged. Fight for the life you want. There are always opportunities for you. There are always alternatives and other routes that can lead you right where you want to reach. Do not compromise using expressions like "this is life and I can not do anything." This is defeatism. You can do everything! Start managing your life now....BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF!Nothing is more valuable to your life than when you can accept your weaknesses and evolve your qualities. You are not the only one in the world who has difficulties and problems! We all have. Rather than grumble about your weaknesses you need to reconcile with them, face them and you win the first battle against them! Refusal and arrogance never helped anyone. You need to see yourself objectively.DO NOT EVER STOP LEARNING!You never know enough. No information is useless. You should learn as much as you can and never think that you know everything. The only thing certain is that if you spend all your life reading you will still have little awareness compared to the infinite knowledge that exists around us. So, you should not be dogmatic, do not reject other ideas and do not always think you are right. There is no surer way to destroy your life!DO NOT EXPECT ANYTHING, BUT ALWAYS EXPECT THE BEST!If you are constantly thinking of the future and you always wait for something to happen you lose the moment, which you may already have all these things that you are waiting for... and simply you do not see them! Live the moment. Be creative now. Try something new now. Do not leave for the future what you can do from now. And be sure to have large reserves of optimism. Life always smiles back to those who deal with it with a smile. If you wait for the better... you will get the best!CARE AND PROTECT WHAT YOU LOVE!The people you love, your pets, your flowers, your friends and what makes you feel beautiful in life is precious. Make sure that you love, love and protect and fill your life with more love. A life full of love is of great value...OVERCOME YOUR PAST!A wonderful saying states: "The past was yesterday, forget it! The present is here... live and make the moment timeless!" The past cannot change, and in any case the past does not specify your future. Do not be discouraged by the past. Use today to make one more step closer to your happiness..."Via "Carnival of personal development"
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